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Post subject: Fenua no Minoagra (The Empire of Mynoghra)Posted: April 21st, 2024, 8:27 pm
Posts: 14
Joined: November 21st, 2023, 10:36 pm

The lore part of my AU is only a framework right now, but i really wanted to get my ships posted so here goes.

[ img ]
The Main Island of Mynoghra and its surrounding archieplagos sit on the Palliser Hotspot, created by volcanic activity around 3400 bc
map is not yet finished

Nation: Fenua no Minoagra (Minoag)
The Empire of Mynoghra (English)

Flag: 1921 - 1946
[ img ]

Nation Info
Will be done when ive done a decent amount of ships.

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Post subject: Re: Fenua no Minoagra (The Empire of Mynoghra)Posted: April 21st, 2024, 8:27 pm
Posts: 14
Joined: November 21st, 2023, 10:36 pm
A short history of the Empire of Mynoghra (Part 1)

1. Pre-Settlement era (Before 500BC)
Roughly 1.4 million to 900,000 years ago, The main island of Minoagra was formed after a massive volcanic eruption on the Palliser Hotspot.

2. Pre-colonial era (about 500BC – 1767)
It is generally accepted that the first Minoag settlers were the Lapita Peoplem who travelled from Island Melanesia. some time around 3400BC. Linguistic, biological and archaeological evidence supports a long migration from Southeast Asia via the Fijian, Samoan and Tongan Archipelagos using outrigger canoes that were up to twenty or thirty metres long and could transport families as well as domestic animals. The first established settlelment that has so far been discovered dates at roughly the same time islander first arrived. The site now know as P'Kulu is roughly 20 miles east of Awagula. It is known that by 2900BC the southern island of Motinui had also been settled. It is known that for the next millenia the culture of Mynoghra became distincitivlt unique from its Austronesian origins and by the early 16th century the main island was called Minoagra (In english, this roughly means 'Large Island') and the people who inhabited it were calling themselves Minoags. It was noted that by the 1700s, 5 major groups had been established on the island, and were of the same level as a Kingdom would be to us. According to Dutch records, the first apparent meeting between Minoags and europeans occured in 1722 when a 'boat of odd construction, with multiple hulls and triangular sails' traded with Dutch settlers in Indonesia. Whilst it was not confirmed that these were Minoags, due to the description of the boat and that of the people piloting it, this asumption can be considered accurate. It is also known that Minoags and Tahitians were also very interconnected by this time, due to items of both cultures being find in the other's place.

2. European Contact 1767 - 1801
The first European sighting of the Island occured in 1767, when Captain Samuel Wallis of HMS Dolphin sighted the islands after sailing north of Tahiti. On 7 June 1768, the expedition of Louis-Antoine de Bougainville, aboard Boudeuse and Etoile on the first French circumnavigation, sighted Minoagra after sailing from Tahiti. On 5 April, they anchored off Laau Lae and were welcomed by its chief Reti. Bougainville stayed about ten days. The next Person to reach Mynoghra was Captain James Cook on 17 April 1769. Cook was on a scientific mission to study the botany and customs of Tahiti, Minoagra and Motinui, spending a cumulative month in the islands, during which he established the first European settlement on the island, known as 'New Marton', after Cook's hometown. However, the location has since been lost to time as the site was abandoned when Cook left on 20 May 1769. Cook estimated the population of Minoagra to be roughly 1.5 million at that time. The next decades would see various navigators from France, Spain, Britain, Portugal and the Netherlands. This also included and attempt by the viceroy of Peru on orders of the Spanish crown in 1792. A small settlement was established knows as 'Nuevo Oviedo'. However, due to ill preperation this settlement and its people dissapeared by the next year of an unkown cause. The sporadic european visits would continue until 1801 when the first true attempt at colonisation was made.

French Colonization 1801-1852
On 1 March 1801 Captain Gilles Coreaux set anchor off of Laau Haule and set up a settlelment knows as 'La Combatante' after the ship he arrived on, at first no resistance from the Minoags was experienced. By 1809 La Combatente had a population of 5,300 and Coreaux was made 'Governer of Mynoghra' This is where we get the English spelling from the island from, due to a poor translation when making the decree awarding Coreux this title. Between 1801 and 1809 Coreux had expanded his effective area of control to cover the whole mountainous western part of the island. However, due to heightened cooperation with the Minoag kingdoms, knowledge of the fertile and easy to live on western plains made Coreaux decide to establish full control over the island. Between 1801 and 1845 he achieved this despite resistance from the Minoags. however with no modern weapons and a lack of cohesion Coreaux spread control of the now called 'Mynoghra' to cover 70% of Minoagra, With only the Aratai Kingdom left. However the tide changed in 1945 when a dutch ship, 'Piet Van Dongen' anchored of of Awagula to trade with the Minoags, in which they acquired 200 muskets and 6,000 shot return for filling the Peit's holds with Exotic Fruit, Art aswell as a extremely powerful adhesive known as Lepera, a resin from the Kenui Tree. Although more crucially, the also acquired the blueprints to produce the muskets domestically. This new found equipment surplus allowed the Minoags to inflict the first major french defeat in which 500 Minoags attacked a French fort at Huina Pahu, inflicting 100 casualties and forcing the French into retreat. From 1845 to 1852 the Minoags, with the use of their new weapons aswell as the use of tactics akin to modern to day guerilla warfare slowly pushed the French back to La Combatant. When the city was threatened, Coreaux, who was now in his 80s, offered the Minoags a treaty. This is now known as the 'Treaty of Unification' In which Coreaux offered Queen Ahurai control of all French land in Minoagra if the French were allowed to continue living there and that they would not be harmed. The treaty was accepted and on the 1 January 1953 the Kingdom of Minoagra was established, uniting the large island for the first time in its history.

Into the Modern Age 1952-1914
Despite its new found unity and independence, Minoagra was at heart still a very underdeveloped society were subsitance farming was common and little if any industrialisation had happened, only a few small factories being present in La Combatant. As such in order to resist a future European colonisation effort, it was decided to catapult Mynoghra into the industrial age. The island had always been rich in natural resources, such as Iron, Copper, Nitrates, Lepura aswell as coal and oil deposits which had previously been unavailable. The Minoag government, now based in the formal capital of Awagula took out large loans from British Banks which they used to buy the necessary mining equipment to access these materials. European Businesses were invited to set up tax free factories in Awagula so the raw materials could be processed and sold for an even higher price. By 1880 the loans had long been paid off and the country had achieved a gdp similar to that of Belgium. In 1882 The smaller island of Motinui was inducted into the Kingdom after a referendum. In 1885 the Mynoghran Navy was creared with the establishment of the Vickers Awagula Naval Shipyard in Awagula. The first naval vessels were 4 small gunboats of the Lokahi class. This would be followed by the acquistion of 2 protected cruisers from the UK aswell as a 3rd cruiser built in the new shipyard. By 1900 Minoagra was certainly a industrialized nation in a similar way Japan was.

By 1901, the Kingdom felt secure enough that it could start to claim the surrounding Palliser Archipelago from France. This was achieved by the Southern Pacific War of 1904. The Minoags used there new high tech navy and up to date armed forces to invade and takeover the island of Aratai, Eiaha and the 3 R' Islands. The French found it difficult to stop the Minoags as the war was being fought in the other side of the globe. It would be impossible to supply all the ships and men needed to counterract the Minoags and as such in December 1905 the Peace of Awagula was signed which officially handed over the 5 islands to Mynoghra. After this, Minoagra and its archipelagos had been united in full and as such, on 1 January 1906 the Empire of Mynoghra was declared

-Part 2 will be finished once i have completed all the WW1 ships.-

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Post subject: Re: Fenua no Minoagra (The Empire of Mynoghra)Posted: April 21st, 2024, 8:28 pm
Posts: 14
Joined: November 21st, 2023, 10:36 pm
reserved for part of history (ww1, interwar and ww2)

Mynoghra and the Treaties

The Treaty of Sydney

In the wake of the Great War, the fairly lenient peace deal the Minoags agreed on ment that for the most part the Surface Fleet was left intact. It described as such:
A sum total of 76 billion USD (modern day amount) would be paid to the entente powers, divided between each country as follows:
- Dominion of Australia - 25 billion USD
- Dominion of New Zealand - 22 billion USD
- French Republic - 11 billion USD
- United Kingdom - 8 billion USD
- Empire of Japan - 6 billion USD
- United States of America - 4 billion USD

Naval Restrictions:
The naval restrictions that were eventually agreed upon mostly focused around large capital ships - the cruiser and destroyer force had been heavily reduced during the Great War so little thought was given to controlling it.

Ships permitted to be retained (9):
- B Fukurava 13.400
- B Kaukura 13.400
- B Rangiroa 15.600
- BB Minoagra 18.100
- BB Orohena 25.200
- BB Marutea 35.600
- BB Maehe 35.600
- BC Motinui 24.400
- BC Lalatai 36.700
Ships to be removed from service:
- B Tangiri 13.400
- B Lanakila 13.400

No new capital ships to be constructed for 10 years, all existing ships under construction to be cancelled.
Number of active service military aircraft must not exceed 250 airframes

Washington Naval Treaty

United States of America, United kingdom, Empire of Japan, French Republic, Kingdom of Italy, Empire of Mynoghra.
Ratio: 5. 5. 3. 1,75. 1,75. 1,75.

Allowed tonnage : 175,000T

Ships permitted to be retained (6):
- BB Minoagra 18.100
- BB Orohena 25.200
- BB Marutea 35.600
- BB Maehe 35.600
- BC Motinui 24.400
- BC Lalotai 36.700

Allowed construction:
- Uncomplete BB Awagula to be converted into aircraft carrier (Chapter I Article IX)

Final Tonnage: 175,600

Ships of the Mynoghran Navy in WW1 and WW2

- Fukurava Class (1899-1921) (4)
- Rangiroa Class (1904-1919) (1)
- Minoagra Class (1908-1945) (3)
- Orohena Class (1911-1956) (3)
- Marutea Class (1916-1945) (2)
- Nahesa Class (1936-1944) (2)
- Eiaha Class (1941-1945) (1)

- Motinui Class (1912-1960) (1)
- Lalotai Class (1918-1945) (1)
- Peresashti Class (1928-1945) (2)

Armoured/Heavy Cruisers
- Unamed Class (1893-1917) (2)
- Unamed Class (1899-1918) (1)
- Unamed Class (1908-1966) (4)
- Unamed Class (1928-1943) (2)
- Unamed Class (1930-1945) (4)
- Unamed Class (1938-1945) (2)

Light/Protected/Scout Cruisers
- Unamed Class (1888-1917) (2)
- Unamed Class (1890-1926) (2)
- Unamed Class (1895-1918) (2)
- Unamed Class (1902-1931) (3)
- Unamed Class (1912-1945) (3)
- Areora Class (1916-1944) (2)
- Unamed Class (1918-1942) (1)
- Kāne Class (1935-1962) (6)
- Ulia Class (1937-1945) (4)

Destroyers/Torpedo Boats
- Unamed Class (1899-1924) (10)
- Unamed Class (1901-1923) (10)
- Unamed Class (1905-1936) (6)
- Unamed Class (1907-1928) (6)
- Unamed Class (1910-1944) (6)
- Unamed Class (1912-1917) (2)
- Unamed Class (1916-1949) (8)
- Unamed Class (1928-1945) (8)
- Unamed Class (1930-1952) (5)
- Unamed Class (1932-1945) (10)
- Saleen Class (1936-1959) (8)
- Kouena Class (1938-1964) (13)
- Unamed Class (1941-1962) (12)
- Unamed Class (1943-1945) (8)
- Unamed Class (1944-1945) (2)

Aircraft Carriers
- Nihiru Class (1918-1945) (1)
- Awagula Class (1926-1943) (1)
- Rapahanu Class (1936-1946) (3)
- Tahiti Class (1941-1945) (4)

Subs, Small Escorts and Auxileries will be done once i have done the main fleet

Last edited by tbshift on June 14th, 2024, 11:23 pm, edited 8 times in total.

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Post subject: Re: Fenua no Minoagra (The Empire of Mynoghra)Posted: April 21st, 2024, 9:08 pm
Posts: 14
Joined: November 21st, 2023, 10:36 pm
history of these ships will be done later when i have the time and will. I will also make refit versions as i complete the history

The Dreadnoughts

Minoagra Class Battleships (1908-1945)

[ img ]
Minoagra, as she appeared upon commisioning

Ships in Class
- Minoagra (1908-1945) Sunk by planes from USS Lexington during a raid on Awagala
- Mana (1909-1917) Sunk by HMS K2 in Awagala Harbour
- Nahesa (1909-1917) Sunk by HMAS Australia and HMS New Zealand in Battle

18,100 tonnes standard load
3-9.8" Belt
1-3" Deck
11" Turrets
14.2" Conning Tower
20 Knots, 21,200 shp, 2 shafts
4 x 2 12.5"/42 Type 6 Guns
8x1 6"/50 Type 10 Guns
10x1 2.2"/48 Type 2 Guns
32 Officers, 870 Men

Orohena Class Battleships (1911-1953)
[ img ]
Orohena, as she appeared on commisioning

Ships in Class
- Orohena (1911-1956) Decommisioned 1956, Scrapped 1960
- Eiaha (1912-1917) Sunk by HIJMS Hiei and HIJMS Kirishima in the 2nd Battle of Aratai
- Aratai (1913-1917) Sunk by HIJMS Kongo in the 2nd Battle of Aratai

25,200 tonnes standard load
4-12" Belt
1.5-3" Deck
12" Turrets
10" Conning Tower
22 Knots, 26,800 shp, 4 shafts
4 x 2 12.5"/50 Type 7 Guns
12x1 6"/50 Type 10 Guns
12x1 2.2"/48 Type 2 Guns
2x1 11mm Machine Guns
38 Officers, 1070 Men

Motinui Class Battlecruiser (1912-1945)
[ img ]
Motinui, as she appeared on commisioning

Ships in Class
- Motinui (1912-1960) Decommisioned 1960, Preserved 1974)

24,400 tonnes standard load
3-8" Belt
1.5-2.5" Deck
12" Turrets
12" Conning Tower
27 Knots, 56,800 shp, 4 shafts
3 x 2 12.5"/50 Type 7 Guns
12x1 6"/50 Type 10 Guns
4x1 11mm Machine Guns
36 Officers, 920 Men

Marutea Class Battleship (1916-1945)
[ img ]
Marutea, as she appeared upon commisioning

Ships in Class
- Marutea (1916-1944) Sunk by USS Tuna south of Nuku Hiva
- Maehe (1917-1945) Decommisioned 1945, Expended in Operation Crossroads
- Awagula (1926-1943) Completed as an Aircraft Carrier
- Lalotai (1918-1945) Reordered as a battlecruiser

35,600 tonnes standard load
3-13" Belt
1.5-4" Deck
14" Turrets
6" Conning Tower
26 Knots, 93,800 shp, 4 shafts
4 x 2 15.2"/50 Type 1 Guns
10x1 6"/50 Type 10 Guns
6x1 11mm Machine Guns
4x 21" Torpedoes
48 Officers, 1280 Men

Lalotai Class Battlecruiser (1918-1945)
[ img ]
Lalotai, as she appeared upon commisioning

Ships in Class
- Lalotai (1918-1945) Sunk in the Battle of Pitcairn Island by USS Missouri, USS Alaska and USS Guam

36,700 tonnes standard load
2-8" Belt
2-4" Deck
14" Turrets
6" Conning Tower
32 Knots, 135,800 shp, 4 shafts
4 x 2 15.2"/50 Type 1 Guns
8x1 6"/50 Type 10 Guns
8x1 3"/38 Type 1 Guns
14x1 11mm Machine Guns
48 Officers, 1320 Men

Last edited by tbshift on April 30th, 2024, 1:31 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Post subject: Re: Fenua no Minoagra (The Empire of Mynoghra)Posted: April 21st, 2024, 10:36 pm
Posts: 14
Joined: November 21st, 2023, 10:36 pm
A collection of inetrwar ships

Peresashti Class Battlecruisers (1928-1945)
[ img ]
Peresashti, as she appeared on commisioning

Ships in Class
- Peresashti (1928-1945) Decommisioned 1945, Scrapped 1947
- Lanakila (1930-1942) Sunk by USS Indianna off of Fiji

37,800 tonnes standard load
12" Belt
2-5" Deck
14" Turrets
6" Conning Tower
34 Knots, 138,200 shp, 4 shafts
4 x 2 12.5"/50 Type 7a Guns (1928 Update)
12x1 6"/50 Type 12 Guns
4x1 3/48 Type 5 Guns
13x2 11mm Machine Guns
56 Officers, 1360 Men

Kāne Class Light Cruiser (1935-1962)
[ img ]
Kāne, as she appeared on commisioning

Ships in Class
- Kāne (1935-1945) Decommisioned 1945, surrendered to Australia as Warprize, Scrapped 1947
- Kanaloa (1935-1942) Sunk by USS Wichita in the Battle of Johnston Atoll
- Lono (1935-1944) Sunk by USS Alaska off of Pitcairn Island
- Tagaloa (1936-1945) Sunk by aircraft from USS Lexington during a raid on Awagala
- Maui (1936-1962) Decommisioned 1962, scrapped 1973
- Pulotu (1937-1942) Sunk by HMAS Hobart off of American Samoa

7800 tonnes standard load
1-3.5" Belt
1.3" Deck
4" Turrets
34 Knots, 110,200 shp, 4 shafts
4x2 6"/50 Type 12 Guns
4x1 4"/40 Type 7 Gun
4x1 25mm/64 Type 1 Guns
10x2 11mm Machine Guns
2x3 21" Torpedo Tubes
22 Officers, 670 Men

Ulia Class Scout Cruiser (1937-1945)
[ img ]
Ulia, as she appeared when commisioned

Ships in Class
- Ulia (1937-1942) Sunk by USS Boise off of American Samoa
- Hekili (1937-1943) Sunk by aircraft from USS Robin/HMS Victorious in the carrier battle off of Kiribati
- Makani (1939-1942) Sunk by USS South Dakota off of Fiji
- Huhū (1939-1945) Decommisioned 1945, Expended during Operation Crossroads

4300 tonnes standard load
2" Belt
1.5" Deck
4" Turrets
36 Knots, 92,400 shp, 4 shafts
3x2 6"/50 Type 12 Guns
3x1 4"/40 Type 7 Gun
6x1 25mm/64 Type 1 Guns
2x3 21" Torpedo Tubes
24 Officers, 410 Men

Saleen Class Large Destroyers (1936-1959)
[ img ]
Saleen, as she appeared when commisioned

Ships in Class
- Saleen (1936-1942) Sunk by USS Boise off of American Samoa
- Akamai (1936-1943) Sunk by USS Gato off of Aratai
- Koa Koa (1936-1938) Wrecked on Eiaha
- Lokomaika (1936-1945) Sunk by aircraft from HMS Victourious during a raid on Awagala
- Alii (1936-1945) Struck a mine near Aratai and Sank
- Kupaa (1937-1957) Decommisioned 1957, scrapped 1970
- Kauka (1937-1959) Decommisioned 1959, scrapped 1970
- Mokupuni (1937-1943) Rammed by Peresashti and sunk

2300 tonnes standard load
Shrapnel Protection
36 Knots, 74,400 shp, 2 shafts
5x1 4"/40 Type 7 Gun
2x1 25mm/64 Type 1 Guns
6x1 11mm Machine Guns
2x4 21" Torpedo Tubes
16 Officers, 340 Men

Kouena Class Destroyers (1939-1964)
[ img ]
Kouena, as she appeared when commisioned.

1400 tonnes standard load
Shrapnel Protection
36 Knots, 42,400 shp, 2 shafts
3x1 4"/40 Type 7 Gun
2x1 25mm/64 Type 1 Guns
4x1 11mm Machine Guns
1x4 21" Torpedo Tubes
12 Officers, 140 Men

Ships in Class
- Kouena (1939-1943) Struck a mine off Motinui and Sank
- Manō (1939-1945) Sunk by USS Barracuda while patrolling La Combatant approaches
- Uhā (1939-1942) Sunk by USS Porter off of American Samoa
- Lapahi (1939-1957) Decommisioned 1957, scrapped 1960
- Lele (1939-1943) Sunk by HMAS Arunta off of Fiji
- Koholā (1939-1943) Sunk by HMAS Warramunga off of Fiji
- Aeto (1939-1940) Rammed by liner SS Malolo in Pearl Harbour
- Liona (1940-1945) Sunk by aircraft from USS Lexington during an air raid on Awagula
- Tuna (1940-1943) Destroyed by accidental explosion
- Mako (1940-1944) Sunk by USS Archerfish in the Motinui Strait
- Mola (1940-1964) Decommisioned 1964, Preserved 1970
- Tahani (1940-1944) Sunk by aircraft from USS Essex off of Niue
- Kolai (1940-1945) Decommisioned 1945, surrendered to Australia as a war prize. Scrapped 1952

Last edited by tbshift on April 30th, 2024, 1:30 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Post subject: Re: Fenua no Minoagra (The Empire of Mynoghra)Posted: April 22nd, 2024, 5:35 am
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All very good, except a typo in your history. It is 1852-1914, not 1952-1914.

And Interwar period.

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Post subject: Re: Fenua no Minoagra (The Empire of Mynoghra)Posted: April 22nd, 2024, 5:07 pm
Posts: 438
Joined: January 12th, 2016, 8:57 pm
Location: Wilmington, North Carolina
Very nice!

Best regards,


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Post subject: Re: Fenua no Minoagra (The Empire of Mynoghra)Posted: April 23rd, 2024, 11:58 pm
Posts: 14
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The Flattops

Nihiru Class Aircraft Carrier (1918-1945)
[ img ]
Nihiru, as she appeared when commisioned

Ships in Class
- Nihiru (1918-1945) Converted from liner SS Nihiru (1910), decommisioned 1945, Scrapped 1947

13,600 tonnes standard load
Shrapnel Protection around Machinery
22 knots, 24,200 shp, 2 shafts
4x1 6"/50 Type 10 Guns
5x1 3"/48 Type 5 Guns
10x1 11mm Machine Guns
13 Aircraft
14 Officers, 410 Men +40 Aircraft Related Personnel

Awagula class Aircraft Carrier (1926-1943)
[ img ]
Awagula, as she appeared when commisioned

Ships in Class
- Awagula (1926-1943) Uncompleted Marutea Class Battleship, Sunk by aircraft from USS Essex in the carrier battle off of Kiribati

32,000 tonnes standard load
3" Belt
2" Deck
4" Turrets
27.5 Knots, 93,800 shp, 4 shafts
4x1 6"/50 Type 12 Guns
8x1 3"/48 Type 5 Guns
20x2 11mm Machine Guns
48 Aircraft
48 Officers, 1,280 Men +300 Aircraft Related Personnel

Last edited by tbshift on June 11th, 2024, 11:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post subject: Re: Fenua no Minoagra (The Empire of Mynoghra)Posted: May 10th, 2024, 9:50 pm
Posts: 14
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Last edited by tbshift on June 11th, 2024, 11:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post subject: Re: Fenua no Minoagra (The Empire of Mynoghra)Posted: June 11th, 2024, 11:47 pm
Posts: 14
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Rapahanu class Aircraft Carrier (1936-1944
[ img ]
Rapahanu, as commisioned

Ships in Class
- Rapahanu (1936-1943) Sunk by aircraft from USS Ranger and USS Enterprise in the carrier battle off of Kiribati
- Rangiroa (1937-1946) Damaged after the carrier battle off of the Marquesas Islands, repairs incomplete at wars end, decommisioned and scrapped 1946
- Matai (1941-1944) Sunk by aircraft from USS Intrepid in the carrier battle off of the Marquesas Islands

28,700 tonnes standard load
3" Belt
4" Armoured flight deck
2" Deck
4" Turrets
34 Knots, 162,800 shp, 4 shafts
4x2 4"/40 Type 7 Gun
19x1 25mm/64 Type 1 Guns
34x2 11mm Machine Guns
76 Aircraft
56 Officers, 1,410 Men +600 Aircraft Related Personnel

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