
Alternate Design and Apperance
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Author:  TakasugiEisaku [ February 1st, 2024, 4:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Alternate Design and Apperance

let us imagine an alternate universe where the design philosophy of japan and the united states are switched
a timeline or universe where japan and the united states design philosophy shapewise and thinking are switched in one side japan favours fast paced attacks by using slimmer ships for fast hit and run tactics where smaller guns shoot out more rounds in the other side the united states favours slow paced devastating attacks with heavy fire power and imposing sizes by using giant ships to take the punishment with massive guns with super heavy shells to deal massive damage to the enemy they used radar targeting and detection to accurately deal enormous damage to enemy fleets and kill them quickly

here in this alternate history really switches the shape and philosophical design and thinking of japan and the united states including coloration of their ships and planes

empire of japan

[ img ]

(too lazy just pretend they have the type 96 aa quad mounts)

united states

[ img ]

(too lazy just pretend they have bofors 40mm twin mounts)

Note: this is just their names swapped for identification and this is just an alternate timeline where their design philosophy and thinking are swapped

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