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Post subject: Re: Maximum Fridtjof Nansen classPosted: July 5th, 2014, 3:07 pm
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@ Heuhen
heuhen wrote:
Nansen is designed to handle up to three 8 cell full length VLS for Standard missiles, while being inside the Norwegian Navy weight limit on hove much ice on deck she must be able to carry and still be stable (300 tons). but if the number was reduced with a few tons she would be able to carry an 48 cell VLS module. with Standards and ESSM. other known fact is that she is also designed to handle the 127/54 compact, but there is no problem to install 127/64 on here to replace the 76mm. aft gun is said to be a 40mm but there is an chance that the Navy would go for the 56mm, But I don't think they will since the Norwegian Navy are storing and high amount of 40mm ammunition from the Oslo class and Hauk class, and to replace all 40 mm ammunition with 56 mm will just be stupid. the cheep ASW system. well am not entirely sure, but I have heard talk about making an Light/small version of the Terne system, with small rockets or an multiple barreled depth charge cannon of some sort.
Oh! the first drawing we received from Navanti/Bazan of the frigate was shorter and had SPY-1D, but then we showed them an picture of an Oslo class frigate with over 1.5 meter with snow on deck. next week we received that basic design of today's frigate, a longer hull and with SPY-1F. one thing about the radar, the reason we chose an radar doom like the Nansen have is that it was supposed to be able to be de-mounted, for an later upgrade! but if it's possible without an massive rebuild of electric system up to the radar... I don't know! but I enter in that part of the document that, that part of the system must be oversized by at least 15% over the normal recommended over-dimension of the system.
so I decide to play with the original design a bit.[ img ]
RP1 wrote:
Many modern warships have *significant* allowances for growth on both weight and stability, and one would expect these to be similar
heuhen wrote:
was wondering how an 60 cm enlarged Nansen (all other proportion enlarged on same level.., to keep the hull inside it's whatever!) and what with that extra place, and mk-48... [ img ]
Heuhen, usually when you enlarge your ship, you not enlarge them only by 60cm, but you enlarge them by severals meters !
So you can move from...133/134 difficulties
With 3 to 5 additionnals meter, maybe you can add a full 16 (even 32 ?) VLS pack (strike Mk 41 ?)
heuhen wrote:
the biggest difference between the F-110 design and the F-300 (The Norwegian frigate) is that the F-110 is a bit longer. basically it's an down-scaled Spanish frigate, and a up scaled Norwegian frigate design.
[ img ]
So, Heuhen, for a maximum Friddtjof-Nansen FFG (=> a enlarged/improved Friddtjof-Nansen BATCH II or FLIGHT II)
Why not using the latest Navantia F-110 design ? (but with aegis)

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Post subject: Re: Maximum Fridtjof Nansen classPosted: July 5th, 2014, 3:47 pm
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damn colombamike, you are giving me ideas. bloody many ideas. :-D

reason I did go for 60 cm is for minimal changing on the Nansen. I'll make an version that are 5 meter longer, next.

I have been reading a lot on the Nansen lately. and found out that Nansen was given 13 watertight compartment, all with rubber and plastic protection on them. Someone have been thinking.
Here engine room is a bit different than other ships, Nansen engine is connected trough multiple gears, giving Nansen the advantage of changing on what engine they run what. basically they can decide to run the ship directly on jet, or have the jet run the ship at the same time as it drive the generators.. the set up would be that every diesel engine and the jet have there own gear, the same have the generators and electric motors, and they all are connected trough a main gear, but this gear can drive bot starboard and port side separate or together. As an officer said to an magazine her in Norway "the gear solution is heavier than other, but give us a advantage."

oh note that gunship drawing of F-110 is using large parts from my Nansen, like: hangar, underwater hull, bow, same shading that I used before, same color (note that I use my own modified colors that is different to the standard colors being used in SB),the aft funnel is the same to even the solid railings is the same. the only difference from Nansen to his is the modified superstructure. so that Admin didn't inform him about that... well I have no idea since I told them about it several times!

[ img ]

Then there are a couple of drawing errors that I drew back in the day's that are on this drawing. I'm sorry to be an ass on this, but when I have done just like Colombamike, using years on studying on the class, and at the same time used references that I am not allowed to post here on the web.

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Post subject: Re: Maximum Fridtjof Nansen classPosted: July 5th, 2014, 7:17 pm
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F110 feeling
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Post subject: Re: Maximum Fridtjof Nansen classPosted: July 5th, 2014, 7:20 pm
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Does get me wondering what a "super" Nansen could end up like, twin helicopters, integrated mast structure (without SPY-1...) etc.

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Post subject: Re: Maximum Fridtjof Nansen classPosted: July 5th, 2014, 7:54 pm
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oh this is going to be so fun...
BTW. shall I re-draw the F-110 since Gunship never response.

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Post subject: Re: Maximum Fridtjof Nansen classPosted: July 5th, 2014, 8:04 pm
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If your sources are more accurate and he's failed to respond I don't see why not.

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