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Post subject: Penguing ASuW missilePosted: July 8th, 2024, 1:04 am
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Posts: 9101
Joined: December 15th, 2010, 10:13 pm
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There are 2 main variant of launcher box for Penguin missile. 1 of them are somewhere on the forum/mainpage!

the older clam variant, seen on early Norwegian MTB's specially Storm class:
[ img ]

The upgraded version that had a simpler construction. used on Hauk class MTB's and Oslo class frigates, but also used by US navy and Japanese navy as on both small boats as part of land defence:
[ img ]

A new variant that I have found recently, but haven't managed to get any information about, just the sketch-drawing of it, indicating it never went further that that, as it is a good enough plug and play system from before.

The launcher reminds a little on a modified MK25/Mk116, but are most likely a new design. Although the drawing look like a ship installed system, I can't see the value of having a small/medium combatant carry a large amount of ASuW missiles, I see it as a more practical installation a part of a complex coastal defence system. But if the launcher was combined with another missiles...:
[ img ]

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