
Strike Carrier
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Author:  Novice [ October 18th, 2011, 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strike Carrier

See above advise bt Timothy C about the island structure. I think that you'll need more than one SPG-51 to control your SM-2's, as one is not enough.

Author:  TimothyC [ October 18th, 2011, 9:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strike Carrier

Karle94 wrote:
New and improved Strike Carrier. She has a larger island. I added a third deck to the island. The funnel is now longer and taller. Added extra radars. My general idea is gas turbines. The best one that I know of is the LM-2500. ... rier-1.png

The funnel and island are going to need to be even larger. Gas turbines use a lot of airflow which means large uptakes and exhaust stacks. The exhaust stacks are also used as the removal path for the turbines, hence the large size. You're also going to need to double your freeboard at the bare minimum. Right now it wouldn't take much of a wave to swamp the hanger deck.

I'd start adding the sponsons that your ship has now rather than add them later.

The SPG-51s are good for what you've got because you need them to control the SM-2s.

One thing that you should do is to pick up the newest parts from the parts forum. The SPS-49, SM-2, and F-35 all have newer versions.

Author:  Karle94 [ October 18th, 2011, 10:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strike Carrier

I`m not going to get much work done in about a weeks time. I leave for Germany tomorrow. Return on tuesday evening. I will keep your suggestions in mind. Maybe I`ll make a scetch or two. I do draw a lot by hand. As you can see here: ... 0drawings/

Author:  Karle94 [ November 6th, 2011, 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strike Carrier

Updated version. More freeboard, longer hull and redesigned bridge and smokestack. ... arrier.png

Author:  acelanceloet [ November 6th, 2011, 9:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strike Carrier

those radars and directors (and most likely the phalanxes as well) are in very bad positions....

Author:  eswube [ November 7th, 2011, 10:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Strike Carrier

First of all, I'm not a shipbuilding engineer, but that design Yours just looks like there is something wrong with it.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks that Your idea is basically a BAP Juan Carlos I, HMAS Canberra or Italian Cavour on steroids crossed with Nimitz, with some elements (strong AAW capability) taken from, say, Soviet Kiev? As (judging by the air group) Your design is made with US Navy in mind, I'd say that - both from doctrinal and practical point of view it's rather poor idea - as some have already pointed out, it's better to separate strike carrier and amphibious assault ship.
The idea is perhaps somewhat more viable if aimed at some smaller (medium-sized) navy, that has bigger ambitions than budget, for operations in moderate-threat environment (like a rerun of the Falklands War, for example).
As for the ship itself - island is waaay to small, and I don't mean that it's not tall enough, but not long enough - take a look on the ships I've already mentioned. Right now, Your island resembles rather late WW2 British aircraft carriers like Colossus class. ;)
Note, that hull of Your ship would have not to just fit the hangar inside, but also lots of space for marines and (most likely) dock for landing craft (unless it's an old-school commando carrier with marines being transported only by helicopters?). Therefore the island probably has to house some things that otherwise could be hidden in the hull (below the flight deck), so it should be apropriately bigger.
Also, what about dock for landing craft? It's there or not - because if it's there, I'm not sure about that stern VLS - is it 2 launchers on both sides of dock entrance, or a single one, as it looks to me that it would simply block the dock (unless it's VERY small one).

Author:  Karle94 [ November 7th, 2011, 1:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strike Carrier

It`s not made to transport and deliver marines, but to support them using airpower. An amphibious assault ship is not powerful enough to support troops far in-land. The Nimitz might be too valuable and vulnerable to go in close. That is where this ships comes in to the picture. A dedicated support carrier for the marines. The ship as all US Navy ships carries a detachement of marines. Should they be needed on land they can be transported with helicopters.

Author:  eswube [ November 7th, 2011, 3:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strike Carrier

Ok, my error then. Sorry - English is not my native language. :(
It makes part of my remarks ireelevant then. Although an issue with too small island remains anyway.
But it makes a question if such specialised ship is actually needed/useful, instead of the support from general-purpose aircraft carriers plus Harriers/F-35 from LHA/LHDs.

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