
Rhineland designs
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Author:  APDAF [ January 29th, 2014, 9:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rhineland designs

Yes but with more than just white. ... _of_France

Author:  ezgo394 [ January 30th, 2014, 11:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rhineland designs

APDAF wrote:
Blackbuck wrote:
It may just be my monitor but those casemates are ridiculously hard to see.
Yeah that might be due to the unconventional railings that I have used.
Well, that, and because the color is way too dark.
What year was that ship laid down and launched?

Author:  APDAF [ February 1st, 2014, 4:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rhineland designs

The ship was laid down in 1904 Gallia at that point was six years ahead of anyone else in Battleship design.
(The basic idea is that Gallia has major beef with two greatest powers the world has ever known due to a war over three hundred year prior and will not stop till both are on their knees)

Author:  apdsmith [ February 1st, 2014, 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rhineland designs


I understand that the political blocs are different in your AU, but I'm struggling to figure out why, even if Gallia didn't like the two superpowers of the world, it would pick a fight with either, or both of them. Certainly in such an undeniable fashion as one involving naval combat. Were I in that position, I'd be funding whatever local home grown dissidents I could in as deniable a fashion as I could manage, but I certainly wouldn't be getting ready for a stand-up fight that can only end one way, unless I have some secret tactical advantage or surprise that drastically alters the balance of power.

Just as an example, take Japan in WWII - Japan struck from a position of weakness because they believed that Pearl Harbour would provide a decisive advantage. Honestly speaking, it probably wouldn't have done, even if they'd caught the carriers, as the imbalance in production capacities was just that massive, but the thought was to wipe out the US Pacific fleet in a single strike and attrit any retaliatory strike force sent to Japan with torpedoes before finally engaging in a ship-ship duel, as I recall.

So, does Gallia have some secret master plan involving wiping out somebody's entire fleet? And if so, how? I understand that aircraft are something of a non-starter in your AU so I'm unsure how this surprise attack would work in practice...


Author:  jabba [ February 1st, 2014, 6:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rhineland designs

Try not to think of countries as people with 'beef' to settle. It is often said that countries don't have friends, they have interests. In the same vein, they don't have enemies like a person would. A three-hundred year grudge sounds, well, unrealistic.

Author:  ezgo394 [ February 1st, 2014, 11:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rhineland designs

1904? But you're 6 years ahead of the curve? So basically you're saying that, when comparing to un-absurd, real life history you mean 1910? For all intents and purposes, I would recommend that you don't 'roleplay' and just give us the hard dull fact when it comes to details like that. It will make all of our lives easier when we try to help you.

Author:  KHT [ February 1st, 2014, 11:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rhineland designs

May I just suggest that we don't go into the politics of APDAF's world, and just stick to help him designing ships for now? As fun as it is to rant(because that's where it will end), we frankly have enough of those threads.

Also, ditto to what Ezgo said. Follow the technological evolvement of THIS world, it will make things easier for us, since we won't have to have the logic of your world explained, and easier on you, since it won't collapse into a discussion about the flaws of your AU(as I mentioned above).

Author:  APDAF [ April 20th, 2014, 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rhineland designs

Added boat deck with boats.
Reworked bridge and forward mast.
Added some WIP Gallic flags (not quite sure on them bar the Oriflamme)

Author:  apdsmith [ April 20th, 2014, 8:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rhineland designs


I'd not claim to be an expert on this point (as the debate on the Drachenodem thread is proving) but I suspect you've made the same mistake I have - I think the mast won't support what's on the mast, if you see what I mean. I'm no expert, but it looks quite close to the bits and pieces on mine that just haven't been up to the task.


Author:  APDAF [ April 23rd, 2014, 8:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rhineland designs

The mast itself is based off ones used on French pre-Dreadnoughts, which tended to look rather weak.

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