
Norge Class coastal defence ship
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Author:  Zephyr [ December 2nd, 2011, 6:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Norge Class coastal defence ship

Carthaginian wrote:
Rhade wrote:
Well wiki say that: Dreadnought cut the submarine in two after a short chase. So I think they want to ram it.
Oh, Dreadnought did intend to ram the sub.
The fact is that she wasn't actively hunting the submarine; the sub lost depth control after not compensating for a torpedo launch. Dreadnought was simply looking the right direction at the right time, and the sub magically appeared just off her bow. An accident caused by a diving officer's mistake caused the sub to broach, and Dreadnought took advantage of her high speed to catch the sub and ram her.
Succesfull as it was in that instance, it still sounds a bit like the proverbial "Taking a sledgehammer to kill a mosquito" concept. ;) That is one truism about warfare, though, that rarely disappoints, and that is "Always expect the unusual in war".

(That is in third place behind "Never get involved in a land war in Asia" and "Never match wits with a Sicilian when death is on the line".)

Author:  APDAF [ December 3rd, 2011, 4:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Norge Class coastal defence ship

Here is the new version.

I added Raxar in the credits and minerails.

[ img ]

Author:  Portsmouth Bill [ December 3rd, 2011, 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Norge Class coastal defence ship

You are now telling us that this is a drawing originated by Raxar, which you have added to; so you are obviously are not paying any attention to how this Forum operates.

Author:  APDAF [ December 3rd, 2011, 4:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Norge Class coastal defence ship

How should I credit her Bill?
Because I used some Parts from Raxar's Agamemnon.

Author:  heuhen [ December 3rd, 2011, 4:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Norge Class coastal defence ship

partsno credits. Hull or major parts of the superstructure, hull etc,: credits

Author:  Carthaginian [ December 3rd, 2011, 5:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Norge Class coastal defence ship

This has just gone from a semi-reasonable design to another insane disaster.

Please remove the mines, they make absolutely no sense.

Author:  Portsmouth Bill [ December 4th, 2011, 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Norge Class coastal defence ship

Re crediting, Huehen is perfectly right; and why is this constantly croping up? Doesn't anyone bother to read the forum any more :x

Author:  Dilandu [ December 4th, 2011, 11:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Norge Class coastal defence ship

I added Raxar in the credits and minerails.
One 3"-shell to the aft... And BA-BOOM!!!

Captain of the gunboat USS "Devastator", was awarded for the destruction of the imperial coastal defense ship" Norge " by one hit. ;)

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