
Swedish Dreadnought(first attempt at SB style drawing)
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Author:  KHT [ November 25th, 2011, 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Swedish Dreadnought(first attempt at SB style drawing)

So, I've remade the prop shafts and recoulored the armour belt. I've added the ship badge as well. Along with using a new template and fixing the text.
I give you..... V. 1.8!
*trumpet sound*
[ img ]

Author:  Biancini1995 [ November 25th, 2011, 3:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Swedish Dreadnought(first attempt at SB style drawing)

nice i liked!

Author:  KimWerner [ November 25th, 2011, 10:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Swedish Dreadnought(first attempt at SB style drawing)

Fonts ok now, but the drawers should be like this: (Hood, Psilander, KHT) ;)

Author:  KHT [ November 25th, 2011, 10:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Swedish Dreadnought(first attempt at SB style drawing)

KimWerner wrote:
Fonts ok now, but the drawers should be like this: (Hood, Psilander, KHT) ;)
Ooops... :oops:
I'll See to that! :D

Author:  KHT [ November 26th, 2011, 10:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Swedish Dreadnought(first attempt at SB style drawing)

Here's the final version, only differance from the last one being I've corrected the order of the drawers' names.
Might seem a bit nitpicky, but what the h*ck.
[ img ]

Author:  Raxar [ November 26th, 2011, 2:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Swedish Dreadnought(first attempt at SB style drawing)

Great job! :D Only thing I can see is that the armor belt should be outlined in black, other than that, I'd say your ship is just about complete.

Author:  KHT [ November 26th, 2011, 2:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Swedish Dreadnought(first attempt at SB style drawing)

Raxar wrote:
Great job! :D Only thing I can see is that the armor belt should be outlined in black, other than that, I'd say your ship is just about complete.
Done. :D
Thank you, I consider it just about done as well :)

Author:  ALVAMA [ November 26th, 2011, 4:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Swedish Dreadnought(first attempt at SB style drawing)

Raxar wrote:
Great job! :D Only thing I can see is that the armor belt should be outlined in black, other than that, I'd say your ship is just about complete.

It does not have to be outlined black. It's a choise of style. By most people you will see a combie of both dark and light grey instead. I agree with with the Second though! :)

Author:  KHT [ November 26th, 2011, 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Swedish Dreadnought(first attempt at SB style drawing)

I'm currently working on a refit version of the HMS Göta Lejon. I would like some advice(or some examples of already drawn)on FC, as my expertese(word-butchering?)in the area is practically nil. The refit takes place in 1937-1938, the biggest change being swapping the 6" secondary artillery to a 4.7" DP one, so mainly for them would be nice with some advice.
Other changes will include(but not be limited to):
changing the conning tower to some degreee,
altering the funnels
shortening/removing the aft mast.
remaking to bow into a clipper bow
heavily upgrading the AA artillery
removing TTs.
Any advice or critique is welcome! :D

Author:  Karle94 [ November 26th, 2011, 10:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Swedish Dreadnought(first attempt at SB style drawing)

Look at American and British battleships in the late 30`s for inspiration. I would say that trunking the two funnels into one big funnel is one thing you should do. Perhaps you should expand the forecastle to better suit the secondary battery and move them further from spray. Remove the tall main mast and the bridge below it. Replace it with a simple mast. Heighten the lower bridge structure, you could also redesign it to look more modern. The aft mast can stay as it is. The removal of the underwater torpedo tubes will make it possible for improved machinery. You can put torpedo tubes on the deck as the Germans did with the Tirpitz.

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