
Swedish Dreadnought(first attempt at SB style drawing)
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Author:  KHT [ November 19th, 2011, 7:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Swedish Dreadnought(first attempt at SB style drawing)

As the title says, this is my first (serious) attempt at "shipbucketing". I would like som advice on how to make it better. I've been looking around at other people's pictures here at the Beginner Forum, and I've tried to apply any advice that has been given to others. I did not make an UW hull though. Both lazyness and general inexperiance dictated that decision.
I modelled this pretty much after a crossing of the Sverige class Coastal Defence ships and the QE class BBs. I did though look at pictures of IJN Nagato(the 6" artillery arangement should be evident of this) and SMS Bayern as well.
(sry for any spelling errors)
Hope you like it!

Author:  TimothyC [ November 19th, 2011, 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Swedish Dreadnought(first attempt at SB style drawing)

It is a good start. I'd change the window color to the standard, but that is a fine start.

Author:  acelanceloet [ November 19th, 2011, 7:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Swedish Dreadnought(first attempt at SB style drawing)

the only real problem I see with her is the deck height. the turret arrangement was not widely in use in 1913 IIRC, but it is possible.
while not entirely conform shipbucket standards, she is close, very close.

anyways, welcome up here, you don't know how long I have been hoping for an truly promising first drawing like this ;)

Author:  Thiel [ November 19th, 2011, 8:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Swedish Dreadnought(first attempt at SB style drawing)

Nice start, however I find it hard to believe that the Swedes would in back to casemates when they've been using turreted 6''ers since 1903

Author:  KHT [ November 19th, 2011, 9:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Swedish Dreadnought(first attempt at SB style drawing)

TimothyC wrote:
It is a good start. I'd change the window color to the standard, but that is a fine start.
I never gave the windows that much consideration, I've made dozens of drawings in other scales than SB, and used that colour, so I guess it was the habbit rearing it's ugly head.
acelanceloet wrote:
the only real problem I see with her is the deck height. the turret arrangement was not widely in use in 1913 IIRC, but it is possible.
while not entirely conform shipbucket standards, she is close, very close.

anyways, welcome up here, you don't know how long I have been hoping for an truly promising first drawing like this ;)
By height, is it too high or too low? About the turret arrangement, I'd like to point out that the ships of the QE class was laid down in 1912/1913, and used this arrangement. The American South Carolina class had done so as well, , completed in 1910. I think that is enough widely usage for it to be used here.
Thiel wrote:
Nice start, however I find it hard to believe that the Swedes would in back to casemates when they've been using turreted 6''ers since 1903
Well, about the casemates... you're entirely right. I had no real reason what so ever to use casemates, it was more of a wim than ignorance or some odd reasoning. My only excuse would be picturing this as being ordered from some other country(GB, Germany, USA, all highly unthinkable as war is drawing near... yeah). You got me there.

And to all of you, thank you so much for your comments! I'm glad you all like it, and I will beginn reworking it according to advice, hopefully posting Version 1.2 tomorrow. Hope you'll like it! :D

Author:  acelanceloet [ November 19th, 2011, 9:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Swedish Dreadnought(first attempt at SB style drawing)

too low, most of the times. take the doors from the equipment space and add a few pixels for the deck itself.... then you should be in the right direction.

keep in mind that the south carolina was the very first to use this setup, and the QE was an class of super dreadnoughts, with the centerline turret removed for additional machinery. but as I said, it is indeed possible and even plausible.

Author:  klagldsf [ November 19th, 2011, 9:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Swedish Dreadnought(first attempt at SB style drawing)

Lacking detail and updated parts.

Author:  KHT [ November 19th, 2011, 11:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Swedish Dreadnought(first attempt at SB style drawing)

klagldsf wrote:
Lacking detail and updated parts.
By "updated parts" I asume you mean parts from different Parts Sheets?
As you said, it lacks detail. And that's why I don't use any already "completed" parts: They wouldn't fit that well to the rest of the ship.
On the other hand, what do you mean by "detail"? Is it shading? In that case I should say that I have shaded it... but without very contrastic hues. I will try to fix that detail in the V 1.3(posting V 1.2 now).
Please tell if I've misunderstood, and what in that case should be corrected.
Looking forward to it! :D

Author:  KHT [ November 19th, 2011, 11:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Swedish Dreadnought(first attempt at SB style drawing)

Here's Version 1.2!
The changes are:
I've corrected the window's colour.
The deck has been heightened, along with some new hull shapes.
The secondary artillery is now in six twin turrets (three per side) rather than in casemates.
I've added extra shading to turrets, command bridge, and some more places.

Author:  klagldsf [ November 19th, 2011, 11:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Swedish Dreadnought(first attempt at SB style drawing)

KHT wrote:
klagldsf wrote:
Lacking detail and updated parts.
By "updated parts" I asume you mean parts from different Parts Sheets?
As you said, it lacks detail. And that's why I don't use any already "completed" parts: They wouldn't fit that well to the rest of the ship.
On the other hand, what do you mean by "detail"? Is it shading? In that case I should say that I have shaded it... but without very contrastic hues. I will try to fix that detail in the V 1.3(posting V 1.2 now).
Please tell if I've misunderstood, and what in that case should be corrected.
Looking forward to it! :D
A combination of shading and what I'll call "pixel-detail" (lacking the pixels needed to represent the detail, if that's clear).

And yes, I mean on the various parts sheets, which are becoming more and more standardized and codified with every week. I don't know why they wouldn't fit well on your ship since that's what they're there for.

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