
CoA parts sheet for the Royal Australian Navy
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Author:  KimWerner [ February 27th, 2014, 8:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CoA parts sheet for the Royal Australian Navy

Concerning unofficial badges I will let it rest for the moment, until I know if there are many of them for RAN vessels. With your knowledge you might help me out ;)

Author:  Rodondo [ February 27th, 2014, 8:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CoA parts sheet for the Royal Australian Navy

Well a secondary point is that the Victoria never served with the RAN, it was retired before 1901 so it seems odd to put it under the RAN banner and whilst the RAN seems a lot like the VCN's continuation, it was due the fact the VCN had the greatest number of men and vessels available. Though to my knowledge there may be only two pre 1900 COAs, unless the other Colonial Navies adopted the practice but I haven't seen much indication of such

Author:  KimWerner [ February 27th, 2014, 11:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CoA parts sheet for the Royal Australian Navy

I've uploaded the badge for HMAS Tasmania in a template now. I'm pretty sure it wasn't an unofficial badge for HMS Tasmania. If she had have a badge then, I'm certain she would have had an official one. It was in 1919 RN began with official badges ;)

Author:  Rodondo [ February 28th, 2014, 12:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CoA parts sheet for the Royal Australian Navy

I'll take a quick look into it, you seem to be right, though it depends where in 1919 they started making it standard as Tasmania was commissioned in January and had been launched a tad earlier than 1919, but I'm yet to see proof of a British badge.

Author:  Rodondo [ February 28th, 2014, 4:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CoA parts sheet for the Royal Australian Navy

On a different note, after a few weeks of searching, found an answer to Klagdsf's question ( ... 562#p53562)

This was the City of Sydney's motto, originally intended for the ship to be along the lines of "I'm a gracious and fair victor/opponent" However that was removed for Sydney III & IV as of the connotations of the word 'Surrender' and the disasterous 1941 battle off WA which claimed the Sydney

Author:  Rodondo [ March 1st, 2014, 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CoA parts sheet for the Royal Australian Navy

Another one Kim, to my knowledge the oldest COA on SB and possibly the world(though I have seen evidence the Nelson carried her own crest at some point), the Devastation one I have coming next is at least 16 years younger and Cerberus one I also am about to start, is 15-20 years younger.

HMVS Victoria (Unique vessel) 1856-1880 Sloop

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The badge looks wonky as it is, being presumably handmade and not to a standard design

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HMAS Wewak L130

Balikpapan Class LCH 1973-1985 2000-2012

Author:  Rodondo [ March 21st, 2014, 2:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CoA parts sheet for the Royal Australian Navy


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This only seems to be the badge for the Shore Establishment Sailor Training School approximately 10min from my hometown

1911-1921 Flinders Naval Depot, despite not being the actual Flinders Naval Depot no close to Flinders

1921-Present HMAS Cerberus

However the Badge may apply to the further subordinate vessels/Bases

HMAS Cerberus II was the gunboat HMAS Protector, renamed on 1 April 1921 as Cerberus II until reverting to Protector in 1924
HMAS Cerberus III, the Naval Reserve Depot at Port Melbourne, was commissioned as HMAS Lonsdale on 1 August 1940
HMAS Cerberus III was the tug Kooronga
HMAS Cerberus IV was the tug TB 10
HMAS Cerberus V, the Naval Reserve Depot at Freemantle, was commissioned HMAS Leeuwin on 1 August 1940
HMAS Cerberus V was the tug TB 1536 Dooen transferred from the Australian Army in 1958
HMAS Cerberus VI was the naval depot in Hobart; later renamed HMAS Derwent, then HMAS Huon

Author:  KimWerner [ March 21st, 2014, 3:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CoA parts sheet for the Royal Australian Navy

That's a very fine badge. Maybe I should make a subforum for shore establishments badges? Many navies bases have beautiful badges. But I'm a little afraid the administration of both ships badges and other badges (the next would probably be air squadron badges etc.) will become a huge task :?

Edit: :oops: I've overseen your badges for HMVS Victoria and HMAS Wewak. I will upload them ASAP ;)

Author:  Rodondo [ March 21st, 2014, 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CoA parts sheet for the Royal Australian Navy

That might be wise as I count at least 15 Shore badges (Now Three of which have been drawn (Cerberus, Leeuwin and Platypus)) I have Creswell almost done so it'll bring the number up to four

Author:  Rodondo [ March 22nd, 2014, 1:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CoA parts sheet for the Royal Australian Navy

As per promised

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HMAS CRESWELL, Shore Establishment, Royal Australian Naval College (Jervis Bay, ACT/NSW) 1958?-Present

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