
Renewing the old parts sheets
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Author:  Gollevainen [ December 13th, 2010, 4:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Renewing the old parts sheets

Everybody knows that needs to be done. But making them would be rather huge task, and I alone have no time to go trough them all (and it would eventually mean that I would just redrawn everthing according to my own taste becouse Im too lazy to start digging this and the old forum ;) )

Therefore, I was think more of this type of procedure:

1. Everybody rant here in of what is currently going on and what is wrong (and those with loudest mouths naturally volunteers themselves for completing this)
2. We divide the responsibilities (with so that I would be doing as little as can and you as much as I dare to whip you :D ) of who makes what and:
3. People start posting here "new" stuff that they want in the sheets and predesignated volunteers will then update/renew the corresponding sheets
4. Me and the Mods will supervise this and give verdict over wich version of something that is duplicated "gets" to the sheet
5. All are happy and we have better bucket

Im thinking that the importance would be at this first time on the equipment and ordanance. Aircrafts and Helicopters can wait untill this round is done. Also, There are currently some "nation-spesific" sheets, but I don't want the sheets to start going that direction. Therefore We will update all the equipment, radar, missile, gunnery and torbedo sheets, with emphasis on the real desings and well-known never-where's and leave the AU stuff for the mercy of the actuall AU artists.

So step one would be opinions and volunteers to do this. I will help and guide you guys, and I can work on with the big equipment sheet (as I have my own rahter-up-to-date example allready for my private use), but I need more guys to volunteer.

Also, those who contribute most on this task migth expect some sort of "rewarding" in terms of what I have thougth of new set of forum leaders that in future would be responsible of this sort of maintanaence.

Author:  acelanceloet [ December 13th, 2010, 4:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Renewing the old parts sheets

count me in for guns and rhibs and lifeboats and so on.
also I would like to suggest: make the guns and radars sorted on time era, such as sailing age- pre-ww1- ww1 - ww2 - cold war - modern
that way the parts sheets would get a lot easier to use. I don't think it should go as far as I have gone with the dutch parts sheet, but it is an example how far this could go.

Author:  WhyMe [ December 13th, 2010, 4:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Renewing the old parts sheets

I would like to help.
I'm a naval artillery dummy but since I drew a few cranes I hope I can be of some use for civilian equipment and such :)

Author:  Gollevainen [ December 13th, 2010, 4:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Renewing the old parts sheets

sorting them in timiline is indeed good idea. Then again, In gunnery, I was thinking of retaining the good Large caliber/medium/AA diversion, and in large calibers, we wouldn't get that big charts anyways...Perhaps to divide the medium range into automatic and non-automatic migth be easiest...

Author:  Lazer_one [ December 13th, 2010, 6:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Renewing the old parts sheets

I could take care of merchant stuff like lifeboats , cranes, ...

Author:  acelanceloet [ December 13th, 2010, 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Renewing the old parts sheets

sorting on role is a bit hard right now, because of the multirole systems of these days (some CIWS even have anti-surface ability). maybe sorting on caliber is an better idea.
also, maybe it is an good idea to make an 'parts sheets improvement' page like on the old forum. those never got uploaded, but looking to the future this might be the best. also, it might be an good idea to also make front and top views (maybe even back views) as I am doing on the oto melara sheet currently. this won't be needed on this first improvement though: making it all with the newest parts is most likely the best.

for my help on this: just give me where, what and following what template I should post the parts, and I will start with the uploading of dutch and oto melara parts.

Author:  Gollevainen [ December 13th, 2010, 8:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Renewing the old parts sheets

making top and other wievs would not be nesserical. The shipbucket's idea is to present ships in that one angle...everything else is just IMO show-off, no offence.

Im planning to do this so that the volunteers would each take out some field and then those would be "in charge" of making the uploadable sheet out, while everyone can post their stuff to be included (if they aren't yet in the sheets) here or directly to these volunteers.

Sofar we have:
Acelancelot: for guns and rhibs and lifeboats and so on.
lazer_one: Merchant cranes and lifeboats
Whyme: civilian cranes...

We need more than just merchant cranes :D...

Author:  acelanceloet [ December 13th, 2010, 9:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Renewing the old parts sheets

other views were made by me to show the entire shape of the gun, not really to make it being used on ships. but I agree, they aren't neccesary.
btw..... I can't do all guns and all stuff myself, I just know far to little about US and Russian equipment. so we will need other people to do those. for european equipment though, I think I can and will do the best I can on fixing that: if we are distributing the fields, maybe the field of '(relatively, maybe after ww2) modern european weapons (maybe radars) and deck equipment is better for me, as I have done quite a lot of research for those fields for the dutch and oto melara parts sheets.

Author:  WhyMe [ December 13th, 2010, 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Renewing the old parts sheets

Gollevainen wrote:
Merchant cranes
civilian cranes
I'm not sure there's a difference between the two :?

Author:  Hood [ December 13th, 2010, 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Renewing the old parts sheets

The Grey Line Faction is quietly amassing stuff and readying updated RN sheets. Or more accrurately British-built guns and electronic equipment charts.

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