
FD scale vehicles 10
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Author:  eswube [ January 28th, 2018, 10:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD scale vehicles 10

That's a nice effort but I'd argue about accuracy - not too loud, because there could be some difference between production series (and the existence of the lesser-known modification 2S7M Malka might be a confusing factor too) - and bit louder about shading (other than the barrel, it's practically flat, and last but not least, the road wheels have different height and width here. :(

Maybe this would help a little
These are drawings from some Russian-language sources, though I have strong doubts about the second one.
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That's ex-Polish Army 2S7, now in museum of artillery on the grounds of Centrum Szkolenia Artylerii i Uzbrojenia (Artillery and Armament Training Centre) in Toruń.
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Author:  reytuerto [ January 28th, 2018, 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD scale vehicles 10

Thanks, Eswube! I am going to redo my drawing with your first 2s7 (the top one). As you says, my wheels are rather "strange" because I tried to put to many concentric lines (do you think that the wheels of the second spg, those reminiscent to the wheels of the pt76 are better?), but counting bad the pixels was a very fool mistake :oops: .And yes, shading so many box like structures in the hull confused me a lot, so I decide to "sin by the least" and put everything in only one tone.

Author:  eswube [ January 28th, 2018, 10:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD scale vehicles 10

I didn't meant the road wheels are out of size (haven't checked) but that they are actually egg-shaped. ;)

Author:  reytuerto [ January 28th, 2018, 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD scale vehicles 10

Yes! Thanks to you I realized the asimetrical geometry of the wheels (and I was looking an odd shape, but until I read your post, I was unable to discover the reason of that oddness. I though it was because to many concentrical lines)!

Author:  reytuerto [ January 30th, 2018, 3:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FD scale vehicles 10

Good evening:
Now the very big SPG corrected. 2S7 Peony in soviet and azerbaijanian color schemes.
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Credits: Thanks to Eswube (arghhh! my egg-like wheels :oops: ) and Caddaric (his T-80 wheels ;) )! Cheers!

Author:  reytuerto [ February 1st, 2018, 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD scale vehicles 10

Good afternoon!
Now, a workhorse in the british medium artillery regiments in both world wars: BL 6 inch 26 cwt:
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Unfortunatelly I was no able to find a good drawing of the WWI wheels, but the howitzer is shown with the two type of wheels used in WWII.
The first one is from a medium artillery regiment raised in London and was part of the BEF at France, 1940. Most of the howitzers were captured by the germans, it was called FH-412(e) by them. The second one, also of a regiment raised in London, was sent to the Western Desert in Jan 1941. Cheers.
Credits: I used the dimensions and several other details of the wheel of Llamaman´s 7.2 inch gun of the same era for the Mk1R. Thanks!

Author:  eswube [ February 2nd, 2018, 8:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD scale vehicles 10


Author:  reytuerto [ February 3rd, 2018, 2:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD scale vehicles 10

Good morning!
Thanks, Eswube!
One of the backbones of british field artillery in WWI, interwar years and early WWII: QF 4.5 inch howitzer, which provided the field batteries with indirect fire until replaced by the 25 pounder gun-howitzer.
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Both howitzers depicted here are the interwar conversions Mk1PA, with pneumatic wheels. The first one, part of the BEF in France, and the second was part of a field regimient Office an indian división in East Africa against the italians. Cheers.

PS: Once again, I failed in finding an accurate drawing with the wooden wheels of WWI. :oops:

Author:  eswube [ February 3rd, 2018, 9:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FD scale vehicles 10

Nice work.

Author:  adenandy [ February 4th, 2018, 7:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FD scale vehicles 10

EXCELLENT work on those British Howitzers Reytuerto :!:

Jolly well done sir :D

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