
Fleet Air defence fighter of 1980 challenge
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Author:  TigerHunter1945 [ November 7th, 2018, 6:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fleet Air defence fighter of 1980 challenge

I do like to comment about every entry since i think i need to go a bit deeper than just a vote and numbers

HAe Maelstrom by Rowdy 36 : When i look your unrevised drawing,i was underwhelmed with how it barely it looks.Which just looks like someone throw away their more than year old AU drawing with little change and minimal description.But upon seeing a redrawed version, im stunted! it really evolved into nice little plane drawed beautifully with a lovely scheme too!

Lockheed C-80 by Rundrewrun99: Drew also managed to act fast to the challenge by drawing a radical concept that seems interesting,as i witnessed it on SB discord,although some drawing style could be improve such as canopy and thick small canard which is questionable,Drew made a breakthrough by choosing unorthodox design that ultimately inspired myself to draw my Messerschmitt.

Mitsubishi A17M by Charguizard : One word,Fantastic! Char design are just beautiful to me and it also looks very viable and realistic by 1980s and drawn beautifully,although some missile design are a bit strange to me like forward swept wing on missile and advantage of using air-breathe missile,Realist design combine with comprehensive detail and wonderful camo schemes wraped this AU IJN 80s plane to be one of the best entry in this Challenge.Also i like that futurist concept of Asset B
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Yakolev Yak-45 by Hood : For me its difficult to think about Soviet naval design that arent land based derivated fighter but Hood just come with very plausible design that still retain their Soviet and Yakovlev-esque vibe on it.The development and service history really made a sense for Soviet/Russian Naval Aviation in general.A very solid entry here Hood!

VAI Naval Fighter by Novice : Looks like Vought V-507 got its life under Vrijstaat navy.its actually a good drawing but inconsistent shading,a bare livery and strange roundel that seems like it just got copy-and paste from one view to another without considering its placement.

DH.127 Vandal by Blackbuck : Impressive aircraft! Looks very british and magnificiently drawn.The loadouts seems sensible and well-adaptable for a fighter in all-field,a real beast that a real life Royal Navy should considered to adopt it!

Rockwell F-19A by Ilamaman2 : A reasonable aircraft that deserve better shading and maybe a 3 view and more schemes,the story is a bit odd but still possible,if more effort were invested on it it gonna be a real star among others.

Thresher by thegrumpykestrel : An interesting and a cute aircraft! The overall design is very sensible and viable in my opinion.Beautifully drawn too,this is a high contender for me!

Lockheed F5V-1 by RaspingLeech : Totally Excellent! it looks modest yet manage to not looks boring,multiple views are nice and a ton of schemes really give my heart to this! also i appreciated that Spook seasonal camo!

HA-1000 Astral by Yqueleden : An interesting entry and multiple view are enough to give my thumb up.With a tons of really neat camo that added my admiration to the design.Only thing i didnt like is white shading on upper parts,thats unnecessary and i recommended you to use a bit grayish shading for upper parts,to not overwhelming the overall shading.

IAR Super Orao by Nestin : Surely Its looks line on what Romanian project would come out with although the listed performance seems to bit over-optimistic.Lacks of arrestor is a bit minus but otherwise it looks good

YF-84 by Miklania : Excellent Aircraft! although it needs a bit of detailing on top view,otherwise its an excellent aircraft i really like that multiple camo especially the 1990 ones!

SCI T3S by GarlicDesign : Totally superb! it have all of what it need,a good multiple views and a tons of schemes that really embodied the commercial success of this airplane

YJ-76 by Obsydian Shade : A modest Varaiable Geometry fighter that looks very viable on 80s timeline,although some work on detailing might be neat.

H.S Gerfaut by reytuerto : A very conventional VTOL Harrier-esque look! a bit work on shading would be appretiated but otherwise it looks like a real design.

Ti-12 by APDAF : Looks Good! but the raised cockpit position and shape seems a bit odd,otherwise the design seems a bit outdated for a new 80s fighter.

Griffin II by pegasus206 : For me it reminded me of F-15 but with a much unique wing.Shading and details seems consistent and good-looking and i should mention the bottom view,first time i've ever see that.a Wonderfully drawn plane!

Soko L20K by Gollevainen : I love that Novi Avion what-if!a real beauty among all Eurocanard design for me,Beautifully drawn and i like that loadout sheet too.

Me-1260 by TigerHunter1945 : Well im not gonna commenting on my own drawing right?

EE Sea Lightning by Deskjester : Very Impressive Aircraft! It stand out on all aspect in terms of drawing quality,Research
carefully and although its like a gramps competitor in sea of boomer plane.It still able to stand out and jump ahead on any terms.Big Kudos for Desk for restless research on data and drawing!

Fighter Challenge by Skyder2598: Looks like a mistakely identified Flanker from US Intelligence from 1980s,drawing quality is shockingly impressive and of you spend more on that,this can actually be a powerful candidates!

TF-20 Pangolin by NavyBrat85 : The overall concept looks interesting to me! but it really need a bunch of shading.

ICAR K-83 by Wariterm : Very Unorthodox! it certaintly needs a topview to know more about layout of the aircraft but atleast you really nailed with the scheme

F74V by Kannevets : A Very realistic aircraft,all seem to be workable but for sure it lacks marking and service scheme.

Menace-C by VictorCarlie : Beautiful! just beautiful aircraft i really admire the sleek look of Mirage that represented well on this drawing and a niecly drawn camo too!

GD-BAe FA-21 Gryphon by Sareva : I really want to say this,...Fantastic! really Fantastic!.Really in contrast with other opinion that say this aircraft is a fatty.I see her as a powerful design that vould be converted into many payload delivery service for USN and any user that understand its potential.It reall looks like a direct descendant of F-8 Crusader That really bought it vibe on your design.Beautifully drawn and shaded,only thing miss is a multiple view and service scheme.If more time is invested on this.This would have been a Star candidates in this challenge

Author:  Gollevainen [ November 9th, 2018, 11:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fleet Air defence fighter of 1980 challenge

Alright, poll has ended and we have a winner: SCI T3S Siolpaire by Garlicdesign! Congratulations! Thanks all for participating and thanks for all for voting.

I don't know about you guys but I feel that we should have more of these FD scale challenges as well as traditional shipbucket scale challenges as they are not in anyway mutually exclusive


Author:  MihoshiK [ November 9th, 2018, 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fleet Air defence fighter of 1980 challenge

Gollevainen wrote: *
Alright, poll has ended and we have a winner: SCI T3S Siolpaire by Garlicdesign! Congratulations! Thanks all for participating and thanks for all for voting.

I don't know about you guys but I feel that we should have more of these FD scale challenges as well as traditional shipbucket scale challenges as they are not in anyway mutually exclusive

An excellent win. Congratulations to Garlicdesign!

Overall the quality in this competition was amazing, with some great drawings.

For all those reading this, I'll try to get the next challenge up tonight: A Typhon equipped warship!

Next challenge is up!

Author:  Charguizard [ November 9th, 2018, 12:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fleet Air defence fighter of 1980 challenge

Congratulations on your win, master Garlic, I learn something from you every challenge.

Congratulations as well to Desk, Hood and Golly, surely the vote gap doesn't detract from what are clearly top 5 entries here.

And finally many thanks to those who chose my entry, you will not be dissapointed next time.

Author:  Garlicdesign [ November 9th, 2018, 1:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fleet Air defence fighter of 1980 challenge

Hello everyone!!

Thanks to all who voted for the Siolpaire. Especially because Hood's quite right and the top view could use some shading... :oops:

Congrats to the other competitors as well, there were many designs which deserved more recognition than they got. Being no engineer, I can't give any comments on feasibility, but my personal favourites design-wise were the F/A-21 Gryphon and of course the Sea Lightning (which I voted for - fabulous work, Deskjester); I also liked the Manta (Waritem is always good for some innovative over-the-top designs, go on like that), although I'm not quite sure if she has one or two engines (and if it's one, where is the nose gear retracting?).

Anyway, well done everyone, looking forward to the next!


Author:  waritem [ November 9th, 2018, 5:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fleet Air defence fighter of 1980 challenge

Garlicdesign wrote: *
I also liked the Manta (Waritem is always good for some innovative over-the-top designs, go on like that), although I'm not quite sure if she has one or two engines (and if it's one, where is the nose gear retracting?).
Thank you so much for your praise. It widely compense the score of my entry.

I confirm the plane is twin engined.

I think my next thread will be about the history of Cretan Vαυτική αεροπορία, inthere the k-83 will be far more detailed.

Author:  ashebourton [ November 13th, 2018, 3:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fleet Air defence fighter of 1980 challenge

Gollevainen wrote: *
Alright, poll has ended and we have a winner: SCI T3S Siolpaire by Garlicdesign! Congratulations! Thanks all for participating and thanks for all for voting.

I don't know about you guys but I feel that we should have more of these FD scale challenges as well as traditional shipbucket scale challenges as they are not in anyway mutually exclusive

I'm kinda bummed I didn't have time to participate, but for what it's worth these type of challenges are great and I look forward for more in the future! (sooner father than later, LOL)

Maybe a helicopter challenge next time?

Author:  Deskjetser [ December 30th, 2018, 5:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fleet Air defence fighter of 1980 challenge

Sorry for the late response here.

Wow, so, really enjoyed the process in the end, despite my perceived concerns with the poll system. Seems the Chonky ol' Lightning did way better than I ever expected, in spite of the many great entries here. Congrats to all, and thank you especially to the people who provided extensive feedback, as I feel this covered a much needed gap, and on the whole improved the challenge for all.

Looking back at it, I would do some things differently, such as the wings; I feel they can be better represented in the front, and side view especially. I would also like to sort out once and for all my colour palette. I was using a perfectly linear colour palette, with 9 shades! :oops: ; Granted, 3 of them make up 90% of the drawing, highlight, base, and shade, with the rest for varying degrees of panel lines and edges ect. Though I would very much like to rely on less shades, and if possible, maintain a linear gradient between colours, as I do love how the colouring turned out in the end. I could ramble about this for some time, so I shall digress.

I also forgot to mention Blackbuck in the main post, for his broad contributions of very obscure references, he was an invaluable help to my conceptual efforts; Thank you sir! I am in envy of your extensive collection of books :P. With some of the data also provided by Blackbuck, I was able to do a mixture of extrapolation and calculation for the various specifications listed on the main post; Some of the more specific data sets, such as fuel capacity, saved me a great deal of time in research, as I was in the initial stages of modelling the fuel tanks in 3D to obtain volume at the time! Which coincidentally, was also how I obtained a rough volume for the bullet RADAR house.

Other data sets, such as those for the RB.106, which as far as I know do not exist, were simulated roughly; While others were estimated and not included in the end, such as rate of turn extrapolated from the standard Lightnings coefficient of lift. I shall leave a link here for those interested, the graph shows minimum radius of turn capability vs. speed and altitude, upto rated G load +9 (R2) and infinite G load (R1): As one can see, it's a very manoeuvrable aircraft, and paraphrasing an ex-Lightning pilot; "I think it would've made an excellent dogfighter."

Okay, rambling over :lol:. New year is almost here, so happy new year all!

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