I'm creating this thread to act as a collection of my Cessna drawings and a location where I can share updates and progress on various projects, as well as updates to old projects, without clogging up general-purpose threads like FD Aircraft or being buried by AU drawings like a personal thread would.
- I'm not planning on doing every single aircraft Cessna ever conceptualized, just a bunch of the most common or interesting. That alone is a massive project that I can barely see being possible, so we'll see where things go from there.
- WIPs and non-archived drawings will not be included on the master list included in this post.
- Compilation images including Real-World Cessna aircraft of various types (e.g. aircraft operated by an institution or organization) will not be included in the master list, as they are not able to be archived.
Color Key:
In Progress/Unreleased
Released, but in need of Updates/Additional Variants/Corrections
Not Started
(Drawings that are marked as "Released, but in need of Updates/Additional Variants/Corrections" will include dates they were last revised and known flaws. Use these and Works in Progress (WIPs) at your own risk.)

- 120
- 140
- 150
http://shipbucket.com/vehicles/8486 - 152
http://shipbucket.com/vehicles/8487 - 162 Skycatcher
http://shipbucket.com/vehicles/9640 - 170
- 172 Skyhawk
http://shipbucket.com/vehicles/8528 - 175 Skylark
- T-41 Mescalero
- 177 Cardinal
http://shipbucket.com/vehicles/7561 - 180 Skywagon
- 182 Skylane
(Drawing Last Updated 15 March 2021, several errors with older pre-1975 models)
http://shipbucket.com/vehicles/8441 - 185 Skywagon
- 190
- 195
- 205 Super Skywagon
http://shipbucket.com/vehicles/8619 - 206 Stationair/Super Skylane
(Drawing Last Updated 31 October 2019)
http://shipbucket.com/vehicles/6188 - 207 Skywagon/Stationair
- 210 Centurion
http://shipbucket.com/vehicles/9069 - 305 O-1/L-19 Bird Dog
- 350 Corvalis
- 400 Corvalis TTx

- 303 Crusader
- 310
- 336/337 Skymaster
- 340
- 401/402
- 404 Titan II
- 411
- 414 Chancellor
- 421 Golden Eagle
- 620

- 208 Caravan/Grand Caravan
- P210 Silver Eagle

- 425 Conquest I
- 441 Conquest II
- 408 SkyCourier

- 500/501 Citation I
- 510 Citation Mustang
- 525 CitationJet CJ1, CJ2, CJ3 CJ4, etc
(Drawing Last Updated 10 October 2019)
http://shipbucket.com/vehicles/8503 - 550/551/552 Citation II/Bravo
- 560 Citation V/Ultra/Encore
- 560XL/Excel/XLS/XLS+
- 650 Citation III/VI/VII
- 680 Citation Sovereign/Latitude
- 700 Longitude
- 750 Citation X
- 850 Citation Columbus