Modern Stealth Corvette Challenge

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Re: Modern Stealth Corvette Challenge

#11 Post by heuhen »

I'm also pulling out an drawing from my archive for this one, a drawing from my AU

with some changes to it:

- Lengthened.
- armament adjusted to real world armament
- helicopter deck adjusted
- funnel adjusted, with two small diesel funnel
- some adjustment to electronics and sensors.
- almost new radar mast
- some minor adjustment to slightly improve the radar signature, or at least reduce it somewhat!
- added capability to take one 20 foot container.

Name: CMD Johnson class, Type 2
Builder: Havok Heavy industries, Naval shipyard and Befer tech. shipyard
Operators: Caledonia Navy
Preceded by: Baser class
Build: 2015-2030 (2040)
In commission: 2017-present
Planned: 30
Completed: 4
Active: 2
Type: Guided missile corvette, ASW/AAW/ASuW-capability
Displacement: 3500t
Length: 98.7m
Beam: 16m
Draught: 4,3-4,8m to keel (5,8-6,5m to bottom of sonar dome)
Material: Steel hull, composite structure with aluminium or carbon in various location, kevlar or shrapnel protection over various areas.
Propulsion: CODLAG
Speed: max: 26+ knots; Cruise @ 16 knots
Endurance: 4000nm @ 16 knots
Crew: 50 to 65 (Gold crew and Blue crew, rotation); total: 130 + additional shore staff
Accommodation: 75 + 30 free berths
Sonars: Hull mounted and towed passive and active sonar.
Armament: 1 x 56mm cannon
1 x 40mm cannon
4 x 12.7mm machine gun
2 x quad NSM launcher
Mk57 PVLS, Normally loaded with RIM-162 ESSM and in some occasion also RIM-156 Standard 2ER


If someone have a good top view of the helicopter, I will love to have it
Last edited by heuhen on August 9th, 2022, 11:50 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Modern Stealth Corvette Challenge

#12 Post by that_person »

In 2020, under the orders of the new Chief of Naval Operations (CNO), NAVSEA was ordered to study a new Mobilization Frigate (MOBFF) that could be built in the coming decade, should the situation require it. Being the modern equivalent to a WW2 Destroyer Escort, the design would be small, cheap, simple, fast to build, and could be constructed in civilian yards. That means no special materials to reduce the radar cross section (RCS), no elaborate combat systems or electronics, and no large weapon systems. It is not a frontline combatant, having only the bare bones of what can be deemed combat capable, nor is it particularly survivable. For these reasons, the only scenario in which one would be built is if the United States were unfortunate enough to get itself involved in a major conflict with another superpower. The concept had previously been studied in the 1980s and 1950s.

Scheme 1B is set on a 361.5-foot hull, and has a 54.5-foot beam. In order to reduce build times, it has a simple diesel-electric propulsion system, giving it a top speed of around 23 knots, which is adequate for convoy duty. Being an ASW frigate, its main weapon is a single MH-60 Seahawk, a hangar and full aviation facilities are present. Eight RUM-139 VL-ASROCs are also carried in the 16-cell Tactical Length Mk41, the rest of the 8 cells being devoted to quad-packed ESSMs for a total of 32 missiles. For point-defense a single Mk110 57mm gun is present, as well as a SeaRAM. A Nixie torpedo decoy, SRBOC launchers, and Nulka launchers are also present on the ship.

The ship's electronics suite is very simplistic to reduce cost and build time. A single 3-faced SPY-5 is mounted atop of the pilothouse, as well as a civilian navigation radar. SPY-5 is capable of air-search, surface-search, navigation, gunfire-control, and missile illumination, eliminating the need for other radar systems. Two SLQ-32s and various communication equipment are also present. The SLQ-26 towed array is the only ASW sensor Scheme 1B carries, as a hull sonar was deemed too costly and hard to install.

Like all other MOBFF concepts, 2 optionally-manned RHIBs are also carried. The 2 small boats are used primarily to assist in ASW tasks, and drag light-weight towed arrays. They are docked in a large slipway on the stern, in a similar fashion to the Zumwalts. Directly next to the hangar, control facilities for the RHIBs as well as other drones are provided.

Last edited by that_person on August 1st, 2022, 1:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
maxwell john
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Re: Modern Stealth Corvette Challenge

#13 Post by maxwell john »

The Spectre Class Stealth Corvette

In 2026, the newly reformed RCN had begun its massive, first fleet expansion plan.
For the First combined fleet (combined fleets focus on larger, fleet actions, freeing up the geographical fleets for independent work), a problem was discovered. The Frigates in service were large, almost 150 metres, and heavily focused on AAW. Likewise, the other two corvette sized ships simply were not filling the role of the corvette- the one model being effectively an up-armed Kingston class, and was very small. The other, while larger and stealthier, was a catamaran mothership, primarily used to move patrol boats between sectors, and do scouting missions as well as anti-piracy.
What was needed was a large, stealthy, ASW combatant, to scout ahead of the main fleets for submarines, as well as to act as a support ship to many other forces such as mini-subs, special operations, and Anti-piracy patrols. So, the requirements were drafted up and the design began to be made.

The result was a stealthy corvette, using the same power plants as the Freedom class LCS (License bought by the new Empire), to allow it a high top speed if necessary. Its role is to advance ahead of the fleet, searching for submarines and enemy movements. Most uniquely, it has a large mission bay in front of the flight deck, to launch mini-submarines and swimmer delivery vehicles, giving great flexibility in special operations missions to attack littoral targets, as well as subs for rescue and attack missions, in addition to mine warfare and ASW capability.

The vessel also contains (not seen here), a drone launching system which is taken out to the helicopter deck for daily operations. These begin the day with launching the AAI Aerosande of the ship, to collect as much data on weather as possible. Then, the Epervier mk. 2, a long range drone developed with Belgian assistance, are launched for long range reconnaissance, and work to find enemy ships and submarines.


What was created was the Spectre class.
Top speed: 35 knots
1x57 mm mk 110 gun
3x4 Rim-162 SAMS
2x2 Mk.54 torpedo launchers, 8 torpedoes as reloads

2 AAI Aerosande UAV
4 Epervier Mk.2 UAV
2 MQ-8C, for recce and light attack
3 S-100 Coptercams, for Sonar dipping

The multi mission bay can support up to 3 Mini-subs (although the exact number depends on the model) for mine warfare, ASW, rub rescue, or scouting, an additional 2 RHIBs, a helicopter (if absolutely necessary, such things are rarely done as the majority of the time the mission bay is full), the various equipment that is part of the ship, and enough SDV for a large squad of special operations troops (2-3 SDV, about 10 to 15 men total).

The first ship was Commissioned on December 29th, 2029, a mere week before the deadline for the program. Only a small, littoral sonar system could be fitted on time. There are, however, plans to add much larger sonar to follow up ships being built, but the current Spectre does not have a long range sonar.

Currently, only HMCS Spectre has been built.
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Re: Modern Stealth Corvette Challenge

#14 Post by MattewEx »

Armada del Ecuador, Alcance class. Coastal Defence Corvette

The Alcance class is a class of 6 ships designed by the patagonian shipyard ASTARSA for the navy of Ecuador. Equiped with a 127mm gun, MK41 VLS cells with capability to carry 8 RIM166 air defence missiles and launchers for 8 MBDA Marte ER anti-surface missiles.
The ship is designed with a modular design allowing to remove and add systems according to the mission required.
The helipad can operate with MH60 Blackhawks and has an hangar for 1 Panther/Dauphin + 1 Camcopter S300 UAV. It has space for 25 SOF troops and can launch 2 Damen RHIBS + 1 (located in the right side of the hangar* thanks to its modullar design.
The Uruguayan and Philipine navies also operate variants of this class.

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Re: Modern Stealth Corvette Challenge

#15 Post by alternathistory »

Corvette Project 20388. Russia

Dear colleagues, English is not my native language, and I do not speak it properly. Therefore, all text below is an auto-translation from Russian.
So, to date, the newest and most successful corvettes of the Russian Navy are the Project 20380 corvettes, better known as the Guardian type corvettes.
These warships are actively evolving and modernizing, and today the most current version of these warships are the Mercury-type Corvettes 20386.
In 2022, Russian engineers received assignments for the further modernization of the Project 20380 corvettes. The task was to maximize the stealth of ships while maintaining all other basic technical characteristics. During 2023, all design work was carried out, and in the next 2024, the construction of the first ship of the series began.
The new ships received the Project 20388 index. All basic characteristics on the ships were retained. However, the composition of weapons has changed slightly. So the main artillery mount with a caliber of 100 mm was replaced by a more powerful artillery system with a caliber of 130 mm.
The number of 30 mm anti-aircraft Gatlings was increased from 2 to 4 pieces. Both the Kortik-M anti-aircraft missile and artillery system and the Redut anti-aircraft missile system were used as anti-aircraft missile weapons on the ship. Thus, taking into account the hostilities in Ukraine in 2022, the ship's air defense was significantly strengthened.
As before, the main weapons of the corvettes were the Caliber cruise missiles, of which, unlike the base corvettes, 12 pieces were placed on the ships in vertical launchers in the stern of the ship.
By the way, the base Project 20380 corvettes carried only 8 Caliber.
As for the radar armament, I don’t presume to guess. Now this type of technology is developing very actively and new radars may appear in the near future. But even if this does not happen, the radar armament remains the same as on the Project 20380 Corvettes. True, to increase stealth, all radars were placed in a pyramidal box, covered with a special paint that scatters radio waves.
The power plant and dynamic characteristics of the ships also remained the same as on the base ships. That is, the maximum power of the power plant is 5200 liters. with., and the maximum speed is 27 knots.
Naturally, all these changes led to an increase in the displacement of the corvette. Now the total displacement was 2700 tons.
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Re: Modern Stealth Corvette Challenge

#16 Post by BvonTeapot »

Exocoetidae-class Stealth Corvette of the Schnellkorvette-Projekt

In the late 2010s, the Eucadian Imperial Navy determined the need for replacements for the Type 1983 Patrol Destroyers and Type 1976(B) Avisos due to their age. It was decided that to "get with the times," the new class would be designed as a stealth corvette capable of patrolling near Ortussia and, if needed, be able to travel distances over 4000 nm. The ship was to be under 120 m in length and under 4000 tons, but did not have a limit to the beam or draft.

Originally, the Imperial Admiralty wanted to proceed with a design more similar to the Ussatian Federal Navy's Liberty class corvettes (similar to the real-life Freedom class LCS) and modify it to fit the role of a stealth ship. However, there were some that suggested that the navy proceed with a more radical design. Newly-appointed adjutant to the IA, Kapitän zur See Willerich von Krantz-Lorenz, proposed the usage of a type of ship that he had recently witnessed tested in person, the Versuchs-Schnellboot 57.

VS57 was designed in such a way that the majority of the ship's structure and machinery were in a lower hull that would be submerged, and the rest of the ship was a smaller sail that would cut through the water. Theoretically, the ship would be capable of great speed due to the design. However, von Krantz-Lorenz saw the possibility of it being capable of stealth operations due to its low profile.

He would get his wish when commander of the navy Großadmiral Emil von Ennezach approved the creation of the Schnellkorvette-Projekt in 2020, with a deadline for a ship to be comissioned by 2027. That ship would go on to be the semi-submersible corvette SMS Exocoetidae, named after the flying fish.

She would be armed with a retractable dual-purpose 40mm autocannon, as well as 6-15 VLS tubes based on the mission. She was powered by two gas turbines driving two waterjets aft, and two diesel engines that powered two propellers on each side of the hull during "stealth mode." The maximum speed during testing was 38 knots on the surface, and about 25 knots while in "stealth mode." "Stealth mode" refers to the ship submerging, with just about half of the sail being visible. In this mode, she is capable of firing her missiles, but her 40mm and other equipment (FCS for the 40mm, radio masts and air intake) are not available - they are retracted into the sail. While surfaced, the ship has the ability to use this equipment, and open the boat deck located in the aft section of the sail.

Exocoetidae remains in testing with the EIN, and is set to complete in 2029. After initial positive results, the IA approved the purchase of two more ships, which will display the two other variants of the design - Air Defense (twin 30mms, full VLS suite of SAMs) and Standard Surface Combatant (57mm autocannon).


Length: 109 m
Displacement (surfaced): 2850 tonnes
Propulsion: CODAG
Speed: Max 38 knots (surfaced), 25 knots (semi-submerged)
Endurance: 4000 nm @17 knots (with proper preparation), 30 days (normal patrol duty)
Crew: 25 (max)

  • 1 x 4.0m cm SK/FlaK 16 (SMS Exocoetidae)
  • 1 x 5.7 cm SK/FlaK 21 (SMS Parexocoetus)
  • 2 x 3.0 cm SK 18 (SMS Cypselurus)
  • 6-15 x VLS tubes, depending on mission modifications.


Submerged (with Waterline):

Last edited by BvonTeapot on July 29th, 2022, 8:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Modern Stealth Corvette Challenge

#17 Post by 1143M »

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Re: Modern Stealth Corvette Challenge

#18 Post by superboy »

Worakarn-Class Multi-Role Stealth Corvette

Name: HAMS Worakarn (FS-122)
Builders: Bangban Marine
Operators: Kingdom of Ayutthaya
Launched: 17 June 2009
Commissioned: 5 September 2010
Pennant number: 122
Status: Active


General characteristics:

Displacement: 2,650 tonnes
Length: 104.1 m
Beam: 14.6 m
Draught: 5.6 m
Propulsion: 2xMTU 4000 series diesel engines
Speed: 25 kn
Range: 4,500 nmi
Endurance: 21 days
Small Boat: 1x7.5m Rigid inflatable boat (Starboard side)

Sensors and processing systems:

1xAYU21 Baseline 1 Combat Management System
1xThales SMART-S Mk2 3D air and surface surveillance radar
2xRaytheon Anschutz NS-series navigation Radars
1xRheinmetall TMX/EO Mk2 fire control radar
1xRheinmetall TMEO Mk2 electro-optical tracking system
1xElbit D CoMPASS electro-optics surveillance system
1xL3HARRIS Model 997 Hull-Mounted Sonar
1xL3HARRIS Model 980 Active Low-Frequency Towed Sonar (ALOFTS)
1xThales ALTESSE ESM System

Electronic warfare & decoys:

2xNGDS (New-Generation Dagaie System) missile and torpedo decoy launchers
Fitted for But Not With: SLQ-25A Nixie torpedo countermeasures

1×OTO Melara 76mm Super Rapid
1×Oerlikon Millennium Gun CIWS
2x12.7mm Sea Rogue Remote Weapon Systems
16×VL MICA surface-to-air missiles
8×MM-40 Block III Exocet surface-to-surface missiles
4×324 mm Torpedo Tubes for Mk46 mod 5 torpedoes (8 torpedoes)
2x1000RX Long Range Acoustic Devices


2x20ft Multi-mission containers
or 2x6.5m Rigid inflatable boats+Cranes

Aircraft carried:

1xSuperLynx 300
or 1xSH-60 Seahawk
Last edited by superboy on August 15th, 2022, 11:53 am, edited 11 times in total.
Kiwi Imperialist
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Please Move Data Sheet to Text

#19 Post by Kiwi Imperialist »

sebu wrote: July 18th, 2022, 3:43 pm Well; I'd quess no surprice to anyone I'll start this... with an old drawing from the "old school" days.
Though the top view is not required, You cannot win this challenge without it ;) ...
Apologies for not pointing this out sooner, but the data sheet you have included in your drawing is no longer permitted. Challenge Rule 2 states: "The image should be a Shipbucket template modified to include the participant’s art and, optionally, one of the following: ship badge, unit insignia, manufacturer logo, national flag, or naval ensign. Other elements are no longer permitted." Data sheets are no longer mentioned. The rules were changed at the end of the FRAM Can Challenge. You can still include this data in your post, it just has to be in text form. Could you please remove it from the drawing itself.
Last edited by Kiwi Imperialist on July 29th, 2022, 9:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Kiwi Imperialist
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Please Select One Drawing

#20 Post by Kiwi Imperialist »

BvonTeapot wrote: July 27th, 2022, 9:48 pm Image
It is great to see your unique design come to fruition. However, as per Challenge Rule 1, each participant is limited to a single image. I will only include one in the final poll. Would you prefer the version with the waterline or the one without?
Last edited by Kiwi Imperialist on July 29th, 2022, 9:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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