Unofficial RAN List
Moderator: Community Manager
Unofficial RAN List
Sadly there's huge gap in RAN vessels, mainly early combatants and Support vessels
Green Text-Being Drawn
Orange Text-Claimed
Red Text-Up for grabs
*-COA and ship done
#-Specific COA done and ship hasn't been drawn or ship drawn and COA hasn't been
Patrol Vessels/Corvettes
Bathurst Class# Drawn by Portsmouth Bill
Attack Class Drawn by Portsmouth Bill
Fremantle Class# Drawn by Portsmouth Bill
Armidale Class# Drawn by Darth Panda
Auxiliary Patrol/Examination Craft
HMAS Anaconda
HMAS Berrima
HMAS Bingera
Captain Cook
Captain Cook II
Captain Cook III
HMAS Coogee Claimed by Rodondo
HMAS Ibis I (?)
HMAS John Oxley
HMAS Kybra
HMAS Lolita
HMAS Maroubra
HMAS Marlean
HMAS Nereus
HMAS? Otter
HMAS Paluma II#
HMAS Sea Mist
HMAS Siesta
HMAS Silver Cloud
HMAS Sirocco
HMAS Sleuth I
HMAS Southern Cross
HMAS Steady Hour
HMAS St Giles
HMAS Toomaree
HMAS Una Drawn by WhyMe
HMAS Vigilant/Hawk/Sleuth II Drawn by Rowdy36]
HMAS Wilcannia
HMAS Wongala/Wyatt Earp
HMAS Wyrallah
HMAS Yarroma
River Class#,1,2 All Drawn by Portsmouth Bill
Modified River Class Drawn by Portsmouth Bill
Grimsby Class*,1,2 All Drawn by Rowdy36
Modified Q Class Drawn by Portsmouth Bill
Adelaide Class# Drawn by MConrads & Colosseum
Anzac Class#, Drawn by MConrads1# Drawn by Rowdy36
River Class#
Scott Class#
S Class#HMAS Swordsman[url],[url= ... S Stalwart, HMAS Success, HMAS Tasmania, HMAS Tattoo drawn by Rodondo
V Class#, 1 Drawn by Portsmouth Bill
N Class Drawn by Rodondo, awaiting proper templates
Tribal Class 1955* Drawn by Portsmouth Bill
Q Class(as built)
Battle Class* Drawn by Portsmouth Bill & Squizzy
Daring Class# Drawn by Portsmouth Bill
River Class (HMAS Yarra*) Drawn by Portsmouth Bill & Graham (HMAS Swan*) Drawn by Portsmouth Bill
Charles F. Adams/Perth class (HMAS Brisbane )Drawn by Bezobrazov
Hobart Drawn by Drawn by MishosiK & MConrads
HMAS Protector More or Less claimed by Rodondo
Pelorus Class (HMAS Pioneer (Drawn by Rodondo) & HMAS Pysche) claimed by Rodondo
HMAS Encounter (Challenger Class)#claimed by Rodondo
HMAS Australia* (Indefatigable Class)Drawn By Portsmouth Bill
Town Class (HMAS Sydney#/Melbourne#(1)/Brisbane# and HMAS Adelaide as built, More or Less claimed by Rodondo1939Drawn by Portsmouth Bill)
Leander Class*, 1, 2 Drawn by Portsmouth Bill
County Class (HMAS Australia*, HMAS Canberra and HMAS Shropshire) More or Less claimed by Rowdy36
Aircraft Carriers
HMAS Albatross* Drawn by Portsmouth Bill
HMAS Sydney* Drawn by Portsmouth Bill
HMAS MelbourneDrawn by Portsmouth Bill
HMAS Vengeance#
AE1* Drawn by Rowdy36
J Class (J1,J2,J3,J4,J5,J6,J7)
Odin Class
K Class
Oberon Drawn by Darth Panda
Collins Class# Drawn by MConrads & MishosiK
Amphibious Warfare Vessels
Balikpapan Class# Drawn by Squizzy
Kanimbla Class
HMAS Tobruk* (Modified Round Table) Drawn by Rowdy36
Canberra ClassDrawn by MConrads, Most likely in need of redraw, Alvama has completed a detailed hullhere, possibly need to be recoloured to the new RAN standard
HMAS Manoora (1939) Claimed by Rowdy36
HMAS Westralia (1939) Claimed by Rowdy36
HMAS Kanimbla (1939) Claimed by Rowdy36
HMAS Choules#
Commissioned Mine Warfare Ships
Huon Class#Drawn By MConrads
HMAS Abraham Crijnssen (In Australian Service, dutch service version drawn by ALVAMA)
HMAS Alfie Cam
HMAS Allenwood
Bay Class Drawn By Rowdy36
HMAS Birchgrove Park
HMAS Bombo
HMAS Bonthorpe
HMAS Bungaree
HMAS Coolebar
HMAS Coombar
HMAS Doomba (Hunt Class 1916)
HMAS Durraween
HMAS Goolgwai
HMAS Goonambee
HMAS Goorangai(1) Drawn by Rodondo
HMAS Gunbar
HMAS Kianga
HMAS Korowa
HMAS Marrawah
HMAS Mary Cam
HMAS Medea
HMAS Mercedes
HMAS Nambucca
HMAS Narani
HMAS Olive Cam
HMAS Orara
HMAS Patricia Cam
HMAS Paterson
HMAS Samuel Benbow
HMAS Tambar
HMAS Tolga
Ton Class#Drawn By Portsmouth Bill
HMAS Tongkol
HMAS Toorie
HMAS Warrawee
Non-Commissioned Mine Warfare Vessels
MSA Gunundaal
MSA Koraaga
MSA Bermagui
Commissioned Support Vessels+Auxiliaries
HMAS Sirius# Being Drawn by Thomas9543?
HMAS Success# Drawn by Gunship
Bar Class
HMAS Baralaba
HMAS Bingera
HMAS Burra Bra
HMAS Duntroon
HMAS Elwing
HMAS Falie
HMAS Forceful
HMAS Franklin/Adele
HMAS Gayundah II
HMAS Grantala
HMAS Hankow
HMAS Heros
HMAS Jeparit
HMAS Jervis Bay(I)# Claimed by Rowdy36
HMAS Jervis Bay(II)*Drawn by Rowdy36
HMAS Kara Kara
HMAS King Bay
HMAS Kookaburra (Net Class)
HMAS Koolonga
HMAS Koompartoo
HMAS Koopa
HMAS Kooronga
HMAS Kuramia
HMAS Kurumba
HMAS Kuttabul
HMAS Mallina
HMAS Matafele
HMAS Paluma (II)#
HMAS Ping Wo
HMAS Platypus#
HMAS Poyang
HMAS St Giles
HMAS Stalwart* Drawn by Portsmouth Bill
HMAS Uralba
HMAS Waree
HMAS Westralia II* Drawn by Rowdy36
HMAS Whang Pu
HMAS Wilcannia
HMAS Wongala/Wyatt Earp
HMAS Wyrallah
HMAS Yandra
HMAS Yunnan
Survey Vessels
Paluma Class (1989)#Drawn by Rowdy36
Leeuwin Class* Drawn by Rowdy36
HMAS Cook Claimed by Portsmouth Bill
HMAS Flinders
HMAS Moresby (I)
HMAS Moresby (II)
HMAS Stella/Warreen
Ships of the Z Special Unit/Service Reconnaissance Department
Snake-class junk
HMAS Taipan
MV Krait Drawn by Rowdy36
HMAS Eduardo
HMAS Mother Snake
Defence Maritime Services Vessels
Seahorse Spirit
Seahorse Standard
Seahorse Horizon
60-ton flat-top lighters
Southerly 65 class diving tenders
Miscellaneous concrete ammunition lighters
Wattle class crane stores lighters
Steber 43 naval general purpose workboats
Noosacat 930 harbour personnel boats
Riviera class VIP launch
Admiral's barge
Shark Cat 800 harbour personnel boats
Naval work boats
Halvorsen-design workboat
40-foot Mk 1 and 1963-design workboats
AWB Mod. II workboat
AWB short and long group cabin workboats
Wallaby-class water and fuel lighters
Torpedo recovery craft (Tuna Class)
Seahorse Quenda
Seahorse Chuditch
Bronzewing-class harbour tug
Seahorse Mercator Modified by Rowdy36 from Darth Panda's Pacific Class
Uncommissioned Ships/Other
Aase Maersk
HMAS Amohine
HMAS Anchorite
Aurora Australis,1 Drawn by Lazer_one
HMAS Avalon
HMAS Avonita
Caledonian Salvor
Cambrian Salvor
(500t) Oil Fuel Lighter
(1200t) Oil Fuel Lighter
RonaCompleted by Rodondo
Wattle I
Yampi Lass
STS Young Endeavour Drawn by Rodondo
Green Text-Being Drawn
Orange Text-Claimed
Red Text-Up for grabs
*-COA and ship done
#-Specific COA done and ship hasn't been drawn or ship drawn and COA hasn't been
Patrol Vessels/Corvettes
Bathurst Class# Drawn by Portsmouth Bill
Attack Class Drawn by Portsmouth Bill
Fremantle Class# Drawn by Portsmouth Bill
Armidale Class# Drawn by Darth Panda
Auxiliary Patrol/Examination Craft
HMAS Anaconda
HMAS Berrima
HMAS Bingera
Captain Cook
Captain Cook II
Captain Cook III
HMAS Coogee Claimed by Rodondo
HMAS Ibis I (?)
HMAS John Oxley
HMAS Kybra
HMAS Lolita
HMAS Maroubra
HMAS Marlean
HMAS Nereus
HMAS? Otter
HMAS Paluma II#
HMAS Sea Mist
HMAS Siesta
HMAS Silver Cloud
HMAS Sirocco
HMAS Sleuth I
HMAS Southern Cross
HMAS Steady Hour
HMAS St Giles
HMAS Toomaree
HMAS Una Drawn by WhyMe
HMAS Vigilant/Hawk/Sleuth II Drawn by Rowdy36]
HMAS Wilcannia
HMAS Wongala/Wyatt Earp
HMAS Wyrallah
HMAS Yarroma
River Class#,1,2 All Drawn by Portsmouth Bill
Modified River Class Drawn by Portsmouth Bill
Grimsby Class*,1,2 All Drawn by Rowdy36
Modified Q Class Drawn by Portsmouth Bill
Adelaide Class# Drawn by MConrads & Colosseum
Anzac Class#, Drawn by MConrads1# Drawn by Rowdy36
River Class#
Scott Class#
S Class#HMAS Swordsman[url],[url= ... S Stalwart, HMAS Success, HMAS Tasmania, HMAS Tattoo drawn by Rodondo
V Class#, 1 Drawn by Portsmouth Bill
N Class Drawn by Rodondo, awaiting proper templates
Tribal Class 1955* Drawn by Portsmouth Bill
Q Class(as built)
Battle Class* Drawn by Portsmouth Bill & Squizzy
Daring Class# Drawn by Portsmouth Bill
River Class (HMAS Yarra*) Drawn by Portsmouth Bill & Graham (HMAS Swan*) Drawn by Portsmouth Bill
Charles F. Adams/Perth class (HMAS Brisbane )Drawn by Bezobrazov
Hobart Drawn by Drawn by MishosiK & MConrads
HMAS Protector More or Less claimed by Rodondo
Pelorus Class (HMAS Pioneer (Drawn by Rodondo) & HMAS Pysche) claimed by Rodondo
HMAS Encounter (Challenger Class)#claimed by Rodondo
HMAS Australia* (Indefatigable Class)Drawn By Portsmouth Bill
Town Class (HMAS Sydney#/Melbourne#(1)/Brisbane# and HMAS Adelaide as built, More or Less claimed by Rodondo1939Drawn by Portsmouth Bill)
Leander Class*, 1, 2 Drawn by Portsmouth Bill
County Class (HMAS Australia*, HMAS Canberra and HMAS Shropshire) More or Less claimed by Rowdy36
Aircraft Carriers
HMAS Albatross* Drawn by Portsmouth Bill
HMAS Sydney* Drawn by Portsmouth Bill
HMAS MelbourneDrawn by Portsmouth Bill
HMAS Vengeance#
AE1* Drawn by Rowdy36
J Class (J1,J2,J3,J4,J5,J6,J7)
Odin Class
K Class
Oberon Drawn by Darth Panda
Collins Class# Drawn by MConrads & MishosiK
Amphibious Warfare Vessels
Balikpapan Class# Drawn by Squizzy
Kanimbla Class
HMAS Tobruk* (Modified Round Table) Drawn by Rowdy36
Canberra ClassDrawn by MConrads, Most likely in need of redraw, Alvama has completed a detailed hullhere, possibly need to be recoloured to the new RAN standard
HMAS Manoora (1939) Claimed by Rowdy36
HMAS Westralia (1939) Claimed by Rowdy36
HMAS Kanimbla (1939) Claimed by Rowdy36
HMAS Choules#
Commissioned Mine Warfare Ships
Huon Class#Drawn By MConrads
HMAS Abraham Crijnssen (In Australian Service, dutch service version drawn by ALVAMA)
HMAS Alfie Cam
HMAS Allenwood
Bay Class Drawn By Rowdy36
HMAS Birchgrove Park
HMAS Bombo
HMAS Bonthorpe
HMAS Bungaree
HMAS Coolebar
HMAS Coombar
HMAS Doomba (Hunt Class 1916)
HMAS Durraween
HMAS Goolgwai
HMAS Goonambee
HMAS Goorangai(1) Drawn by Rodondo
HMAS Gunbar
HMAS Kianga
HMAS Korowa
HMAS Marrawah
HMAS Mary Cam
HMAS Medea
HMAS Mercedes
HMAS Nambucca
HMAS Narani
HMAS Olive Cam
HMAS Orara
HMAS Patricia Cam
HMAS Paterson
HMAS Samuel Benbow
HMAS Tambar
HMAS Tolga
Ton Class#Drawn By Portsmouth Bill
HMAS Tongkol
HMAS Toorie
HMAS Warrawee
Non-Commissioned Mine Warfare Vessels
MSA Gunundaal
MSA Koraaga
MSA Bermagui
Commissioned Support Vessels+Auxiliaries
HMAS Sirius# Being Drawn by Thomas9543?
HMAS Success# Drawn by Gunship
Bar Class
HMAS Baralaba
HMAS Bingera
HMAS Burra Bra
HMAS Duntroon
HMAS Elwing
HMAS Falie
HMAS Forceful
HMAS Franklin/Adele
HMAS Gayundah II
HMAS Grantala
HMAS Hankow
HMAS Heros
HMAS Jeparit
HMAS Jervis Bay(I)# Claimed by Rowdy36
HMAS Jervis Bay(II)*Drawn by Rowdy36
HMAS Kara Kara
HMAS King Bay
HMAS Kookaburra (Net Class)
HMAS Koolonga
HMAS Koompartoo
HMAS Koopa
HMAS Kooronga
HMAS Kuramia
HMAS Kurumba
HMAS Kuttabul
HMAS Mallina
HMAS Matafele
HMAS Paluma (II)#
HMAS Ping Wo
HMAS Platypus#
HMAS Poyang
HMAS St Giles
HMAS Stalwart* Drawn by Portsmouth Bill
HMAS Uralba
HMAS Waree
HMAS Westralia II* Drawn by Rowdy36
HMAS Whang Pu
HMAS Wilcannia
HMAS Wongala/Wyatt Earp
HMAS Wyrallah
HMAS Yandra
HMAS Yunnan
Survey Vessels
Paluma Class (1989)#Drawn by Rowdy36
Leeuwin Class* Drawn by Rowdy36
HMAS Cook Claimed by Portsmouth Bill
HMAS Flinders
HMAS Moresby (I)
HMAS Moresby (II)
HMAS Stella/Warreen
Ships of the Z Special Unit/Service Reconnaissance Department
Snake-class junk
HMAS Taipan
MV Krait Drawn by Rowdy36
HMAS Eduardo
HMAS Mother Snake
Defence Maritime Services Vessels
Seahorse Spirit
Seahorse Standard
Seahorse Horizon
60-ton flat-top lighters
Southerly 65 class diving tenders
Miscellaneous concrete ammunition lighters
Wattle class crane stores lighters
Steber 43 naval general purpose workboats
Noosacat 930 harbour personnel boats
Riviera class VIP launch
Admiral's barge
Shark Cat 800 harbour personnel boats
Naval work boats
Halvorsen-design workboat
40-foot Mk 1 and 1963-design workboats
AWB Mod. II workboat
AWB short and long group cabin workboats
Wallaby-class water and fuel lighters
Torpedo recovery craft (Tuna Class)
Seahorse Quenda
Seahorse Chuditch
Bronzewing-class harbour tug
Seahorse Mercator Modified by Rowdy36 from Darth Panda's Pacific Class
Uncommissioned Ships/Other
Aase Maersk
HMAS Amohine
HMAS Anchorite
Aurora Australis,1 Drawn by Lazer_one
HMAS Avalon
HMAS Avonita
Caledonian Salvor
Cambrian Salvor
(500t) Oil Fuel Lighter
(1200t) Oil Fuel Lighter
RonaCompleted by Rodondo
Wattle I
Yampi Lass
STS Young Endeavour Drawn by Rodondo
Last edited by Rodondo on December 13th, 2016, 11:30 pm, edited 20 times in total.
Work list(Current)
Miscellaneous|Victorian Colonial Navy|Murray Riverboats|Colony of Victoria AU|Project Sail-fixing SB's sail shortage
How to mentally pronounce my usernameRow-(as in a boat)Don-(as in the short form of Donald)Dough-(bread)
"Loitering on the High Seas" (Named after the good ship Rodondo)
There's no such thing as "nothing left to draw" If you can down 10 pints and draw, you're doing alright by my standards
Miscellaneous|Victorian Colonial Navy|Murray Riverboats|Colony of Victoria AU|Project Sail-fixing SB's sail shortage
How to mentally pronounce my usernameRow-(as in a boat)Don-(as in the short form of Donald)Dough-(bread)
"Loitering on the High Seas" (Named after the good ship Rodondo)
There's no such thing as "nothing left to draw" If you can down 10 pints and draw, you're doing alright by my standards
Re: Unofficial RAN List
Great idea Rodondo!
I've almost finished HMAS Jervis Bay II (catamaran) and I'm about 70% finished HMAS Westralia (the oiler), but I've been dragging my feet on this one
. Also I've had plans for drawing the Counties, HMA Ships Manoora, Kanimbla, Westralia (the AMCs) and Jervis Bay I but I've put them off until I can find half decent references (or someone else takes them off my hands) - I have about 5 different line drawings of HMAS Australia/Canberra but none of them agree with each other so I don't know which would be best to use...
Also you can add HMAS Stalwart* to the list, drawn by Portsmouth Bill
I've almost finished HMAS Jervis Bay II (catamaran) and I'm about 70% finished HMAS Westralia (the oiler), but I've been dragging my feet on this one

Also you can add HMAS Stalwart* to the list, drawn by Portsmouth Bill

Re: Unofficial RAN List
I'll update Jervis Bay and the Westralia then. I'll have a look through my collection for stuff on the AMCs.
I'd be willing to lend a hand with the Counties if you don't mind. Problem is none of them were exactly the same IIRC so a very specific line drawing would be required
I'll update Jervis Bay and the Westralia then. I'll have a look through my collection for stuff on the AMCs.
I'd be willing to lend a hand with the Counties if you don't mind. Problem is none of them were exactly the same IIRC so a very specific line drawing would be required
Work list(Current)
Miscellaneous|Victorian Colonial Navy|Murray Riverboats|Colony of Victoria AU|Project Sail-fixing SB's sail shortage
How to mentally pronounce my usernameRow-(as in a boat)Don-(as in the short form of Donald)Dough-(bread)
"Loitering on the High Seas" (Named after the good ship Rodondo)
There's no such thing as "nothing left to draw" If you can down 10 pints and draw, you're doing alright by my standards
Miscellaneous|Victorian Colonial Navy|Murray Riverboats|Colony of Victoria AU|Project Sail-fixing SB's sail shortage
How to mentally pronounce my usernameRow-(as in a boat)Don-(as in the short form of Donald)Dough-(bread)
"Loitering on the High Seas" (Named after the good ship Rodondo)
There's no such thing as "nothing left to draw" If you can down 10 pints and draw, you're doing alright by my standards
Re: Unofficial RAN List
That would be very welcome. Part of my problem is that none of my sources even agree on where exactly the turrets go which I assume would be the same for all the Counties...?Rodondo wrote: I'd be willing to lend a hand with the Counties if you don't mind. Problem is none of them were exactly the same IIRC so a very specific line drawing would be required
Re: Unofficial RAN List
Give or take 1ft, but they should be the same, I'll have a real in depth read when I get back to my apartment tomorrow, but they should have identical turret placement
EDIT: Canberra was 3" shorter than Australia and a full 35" shorter than Shropshire, so comparison between the Kent Subclass (Australia and Canberra) and the London Subclass (Shropshire) would see some inconsistencies in measurements in generalized drawings
EDIT: Canberra was 3" shorter than Australia and a full 35" shorter than Shropshire, so comparison between the Kent Subclass (Australia and Canberra) and the London Subclass (Shropshire) would see some inconsistencies in measurements in generalized drawings

Work list(Current)
Miscellaneous|Victorian Colonial Navy|Murray Riverboats|Colony of Victoria AU|Project Sail-fixing SB's sail shortage
How to mentally pronounce my usernameRow-(as in a boat)Don-(as in the short form of Donald)Dough-(bread)
"Loitering on the High Seas" (Named after the good ship Rodondo)
There's no such thing as "nothing left to draw" If you can down 10 pints and draw, you're doing alright by my standards
Miscellaneous|Victorian Colonial Navy|Murray Riverboats|Colony of Victoria AU|Project Sail-fixing SB's sail shortage
How to mentally pronounce my usernameRow-(as in a boat)Don-(as in the short form of Donald)Dough-(bread)
"Loitering on the High Seas" (Named after the good ship Rodondo)
There's no such thing as "nothing left to draw" If you can down 10 pints and draw, you're doing alright by my standards
Re: Unofficial RAN List

"Never fear to try on something new. Remember that the Titanic was built by professionals, and the Ark by an amateur"
Re: Unofficial RAN List
That Jervis Bay would be on the RN list, Whilst owned by Australians before the war, she served as a commissioned British ship. the Other Jervis Bay referred to here is the acquired training ship of 1977, first ship to carry the name with the RAN or with the HMAS prefix 

Work list(Current)
Miscellaneous|Victorian Colonial Navy|Murray Riverboats|Colony of Victoria AU|Project Sail-fixing SB's sail shortage
How to mentally pronounce my usernameRow-(as in a boat)Don-(as in the short form of Donald)Dough-(bread)
"Loitering on the High Seas" (Named after the good ship Rodondo)
There's no such thing as "nothing left to draw" If you can down 10 pints and draw, you're doing alright by my standards
Miscellaneous|Victorian Colonial Navy|Murray Riverboats|Colony of Victoria AU|Project Sail-fixing SB's sail shortage
How to mentally pronounce my usernameRow-(as in a boat)Don-(as in the short form of Donald)Dough-(bread)
"Loitering on the High Seas" (Named after the good ship Rodondo)
There's no such thing as "nothing left to draw" If you can down 10 pints and draw, you're doing alright by my standards
Re: Unofficial RAN List
Updated HMAS Jervis Bay AKR-45, thanks to Rowdy36.
No need for everyone to rush in

No need for everyone to rush in

Work list(Current)
Miscellaneous|Victorian Colonial Navy|Murray Riverboats|Colony of Victoria AU|Project Sail-fixing SB's sail shortage
How to mentally pronounce my usernameRow-(as in a boat)Don-(as in the short form of Donald)Dough-(bread)
"Loitering on the High Seas" (Named after the good ship Rodondo)
There's no such thing as "nothing left to draw" If you can down 10 pints and draw, you're doing alright by my standards
Miscellaneous|Victorian Colonial Navy|Murray Riverboats|Colony of Victoria AU|Project Sail-fixing SB's sail shortage
How to mentally pronounce my usernameRow-(as in a boat)Don-(as in the short form of Donald)Dough-(bread)
"Loitering on the High Seas" (Named after the good ship Rodondo)
There's no such thing as "nothing left to draw" If you can down 10 pints and draw, you're doing alright by my standards
Re: Unofficial RAN List
Westralia II Updated thanks to the wonderful efforts of Rowdy36
Work list(Current)
Miscellaneous|Victorian Colonial Navy|Murray Riverboats|Colony of Victoria AU|Project Sail-fixing SB's sail shortage
How to mentally pronounce my usernameRow-(as in a boat)Don-(as in the short form of Donald)Dough-(bread)
"Loitering on the High Seas" (Named after the good ship Rodondo)
There's no such thing as "nothing left to draw" If you can down 10 pints and draw, you're doing alright by my standards
Miscellaneous|Victorian Colonial Navy|Murray Riverboats|Colony of Victoria AU|Project Sail-fixing SB's sail shortage
How to mentally pronounce my usernameRow-(as in a boat)Don-(as in the short form of Donald)Dough-(bread)
"Loitering on the High Seas" (Named after the good ship Rodondo)
There's no such thing as "nothing left to draw" If you can down 10 pints and draw, you're doing alright by my standards
Re: Unofficial RAN List
Well I can say the Rona will be done soon, very hard to discern features from under the soot and sepia of just two photos
Work list(Current)
Miscellaneous|Victorian Colonial Navy|Murray Riverboats|Colony of Victoria AU|Project Sail-fixing SB's sail shortage
How to mentally pronounce my usernameRow-(as in a boat)Don-(as in the short form of Donald)Dough-(bread)
"Loitering on the High Seas" (Named after the good ship Rodondo)
There's no such thing as "nothing left to draw" If you can down 10 pints and draw, you're doing alright by my standards
Miscellaneous|Victorian Colonial Navy|Murray Riverboats|Colony of Victoria AU|Project Sail-fixing SB's sail shortage
How to mentally pronounce my usernameRow-(as in a boat)Don-(as in the short form of Donald)Dough-(bread)
"Loitering on the High Seas" (Named after the good ship Rodondo)
There's no such thing as "nothing left to draw" If you can down 10 pints and draw, you're doing alright by my standards